Expansion of Spell Aesthetic Customizations

Bal’a dash! With customization being a massive part of MMORPGs, I would like to suggest further inscription recipes to customize spell aesthetics for all classes/specs and their notable spells.

Adding further options would not impact just those who enjoy customization but RPers with immersion within a RP campaign. Expansion is key here on the current system.

Recipes would expand to further spells and can be further broken out by:

  • Visual Effects Customizations - We have this now with recolors. This ought to be expanded upon with more notable spells for each class/spec and colors. People seem to be very receptive to the new pink transmogs, for instance, let us have some pink ‘Rose’ recipes for spells. Or a gradient of blue-to-red ‘Frostfire’ so on so forth.

  • Projectile Shapes - Add shapes within projectiles that can be customized so they are not locked into the same default option as everyone else. Triangle, flower or star effects? Absolutely! Arcanic orbs for the projectile? Yes!

  • Environmental Interaction - Add customization options that allow spells to interact with the environment differently. Example: A druid’s nature spells might cause flowers to bloom or trees to grow where they land temporarily (outside of raids/bgs/arenas) but provide for some great RP immersion.

  • Seasonal and Thematic Customization - Introduce seasonal and thematic spell aesthetics. Players could change their spells to match an in-game’s holiday theme or align with a specific in-game event when that holiday or event is active.

  • Spell Trails and Aftereffects - Allow players customize the trails or aftereffects that follow a spell’s path. This could include leaving behind a trail of leaves, sparkles, or energy residue as the spell travels, and is applicable to any role, whether DPS, healer or tank, or ranged, melee or pure caster.
    Think of GW2 with its legendary flowery bow where flowers spawn beneath you (spell trail) and also shoot a custom flowery arrow (projectile customization); or the unicorn shortbow that allows you to shoot rainbows (projectile customization). I am a bit rusty when it comes to that game but having such options that are received via challenging circumstances would be fantastic content for players chasing after customization and add a layer of prestige. We have already done this with armor in DF, this is an expansion onto a noteworthy spell from each class/spec ideally.

  • Transmogrification for Spells - If the inscription system feels too bloated with the ambition here, allow players to transmogrify their spell visuals using collected items or well-earned in-game achievements.

  • Racial Spell Aesthetics - The poster of this thread has some amazing ideas for adding uniqueness to each race for aesthetics as well if this is to be explored:
    Race-Themed Spell Aesthetic Customisations
    Note: There should definitely be an option for void elves to have more high elven effects too given that a lot of players ‘play’ their void elf as an Alliance-allied high elf without void interest.
    Entropic Embrace should have a glyph regardless given the amount of players who identify this way, even a glyph to turn the Entropic Embrace blueberry effect off. I hope others can chime in here with other ones that blatantly are in great need of customization with regards to racials.

I realize that some of these customization options may need to be turned off in arena/battlegrounds due to the distractions within the matches, and this is okay. It would be a massive win to expand on the current system and give players goals to chase to further enhance their character’s class (and potentially race) flavor.

I look forward to such challenges and well-earned achievements to showcase through characters’ customization. It would be a net positive should there be the resources to implement such a dynamic and rewarding feature in ANY capacity as an expansion on the current system.

Thank you for reading me out!

Shorel’aran. :pray: :woman_elf: :herb: