Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Well the NB folks who want to get representation will love this change.

Imagine getting so triggered over facial hair that you derail a whole thread. Something us IRL women can get anyway from endometriosis, PCOS, perimenopause and menopause, lol.


Welcome to the conversation.

Just to get you caught up, you’re on the side with the guy who’s been railing about batman and Garrosh boobs for the last hour or so.

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Jesus, all I said was keep the fem beards to dwarves…

Am I a teeny weeny eccentric to prove my points? MAYBE. But beared female anything other than a dwarf won’t look good in wow…

If we put in every weird little thing that would make some people happy in the game, at what point do we stop before we lose any character integrity?


What’s an NB.

I hope no real life women actually want facial hair. If so, they’re really terribly balanced. It never looks good on any woman, period.

Ok, I’m on the side asking wtf is with the “beared lady” ask. Again, it’s a super weird and a very terrible take. Go seek help.


Then leave the friggin’ thread if it bothers you so much

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It takes two to tango

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Because some ladies do have beards and the new race introduced has beards and I wanted to expand that to other dwarves?


See, exactly what I mean with my previous statement, you flat out spout nonsense then pretend you didnt

The posts still exist, so we know the big song and dance you put on for everyones attention

Should work on that, get attention in a healthier way instead of degrading yourself like some kind of class clown who’s peaked in high school

And that’s fine. Just nothing else.

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I think some of the arguments in here are odd. LotRO has already given beards to female humans as well as the Stout Axe dwarves, and the world didn’t end. While I’m only in here for the option on female non-Earthen dwarves, personally, I wouldn’t see anything wrong with the option for other female character models. Plenty of women have beards IRL, and every one of them have body hair.

It’s really not a big deal!

There’s nothing terribly balanced about it. It’s a natural thing all women go through eventually. All women will go through perimenopause and menopause. And a large amount of women go through endometriosis and PCOS which there are no cures and no good treatments for.

Just because one race has it doesn’t mean all should.

We aren’t going to give Tauren horns to orcs or humans, right?


That was literally my first post here, some people didn’t like it, so on and so forth and forced my hand with thrall and boobs.

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They should definitely do this for the less than 50 people who want it.


And out come the wolves

It’s fun seeing how far off the rails topics like these can go.

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Lol, exactly.

Thank you

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Pretty much.

I’m about to go take a nap here in a few minutes anyway.

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