Expac Delayed + Prepatch Oct 13th

Huh. My bad. Never noticed the chain souls behind 'em. Always assumed those came from the Amalgam itself. Though I will say that it just adds to the tragedy of the maw and what’s happening down there. Not everything winds up going nicely and we can’t save everyone.

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Oh wow. That’s a lot. I have to wonder why they put a definitive date on the release when at the time of the announcement there was clearly a mountain that needed to be done. I’m less upset by the delay than I with Blizz being overly optimistic about how much they had to do in the given time frame and getting our hopes up.

You did forget there is a pandemic right now so its understandable why a delay happened.

It might be my cynical personality but for some reason after BFA led to a lot of negative impact and the sacking of a ot of Blizzard employes and so on … that covid is just a practical excuse they use.

They were able to switch over to home office pretty fast it seams and studies show that people in home office work even more than in offices.

However looking it from another side, the devs might hav ebeen able to convince the marketing guys and executives that due to the pandemic tehy need more time and were able to get it which now is directly converted into system changes that were otherwise not been approved to do.

So I think it is a good thing on one hand, but I still have not much hope for this expansion as it might be a lucky exception.

6 months is not enough time to create a generalizable study


Let us explore this notion you felt the urge to express… since you brought it up…

Those cursed “ots” have yet to prove their worth.

May the seams hold!

May the ebeen be with the tehy.

Firstly these studies have not been made just now but way before.
Secondly even if it were 6 month it shows that at least the short term effect would be saying -> More work done.

Which then would still support my claim.

Can I get some links to those studies?

google scholar.

Not here to do your research work since I don’t care for your opinion.

Dude, that low level alt poster mentioned studies. From way before.

How dare you ask some low level alt to defend their statement lol. They clearly said it was from “way” before…


You mean your research since you mentioned these studies that you clearly know about and referenced. My research work would be to read the studies you provide.

I’m still curious which studies they’re referencing because I’ve seen articles talking about how some researchers thought that working from home would be good, but after the pandemic they were like “wait no, not like that”.

Apparently, some of them didn’t account for your kids being home at the same time you were trying to work and that’s amusing to me.

Anywho I’m in medical school and the tentative epidemiological consensus is working from home and isolation has caused everyone to go crazy in varying degrees due to a transgression of the spatiality required for work life balance.

That is, Life Space/Home Space is now Work Space, and that is bad.


laughs in warehouse job


Really? But it said: “We’re at a point where the zones, the campaign, the level-up questing experience, and the story we have to tell are essentially ready to share”

Well, Ill take it… I’m all in for the story mainly so… yeah it could be that we get “some” of the few story team that lurk around to check certain post and fix what a lot of you have mention in your post and story forums… That be great! :wink:

Hopefully there is time left for it! Fingers Cross!
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

This is false btw.

Sinfall and Dawnkeep were only populated with NPCs last Tuesday. Dawnkeep was empty last week and Sinfall only had quest givers. The end dialogue/turnin for the Sanguine Depths Naaru quest was only implemented in last Tuesday too. Etc

A lot of subzones were only populated (filled with NPCs, objects, critters) last Tuesday.

I’m like, going crazy lmao

“essentially” :face_with_monocle::thinking::roll_eyes: