…or is it SCHO-LOW-MANCE?
I can never remember!
…or is it SCHO-LOW-MANCE?
I can never remember!
Gotta really British it up
Spit everywhere as you schhh
Chewsday innit
It’s a Czech/Romanian thing.
A lot of people don’t realize the “S” sounds are silent. So it’s pronounced as “Cholo Man”
This is how I’ve always heard/said it.
…or possibly Skol-ah-mance…But that could just be someone saying it really fast.
sounds like it’s modelo time
But is it a long O or short O
Skibidi mance is how i say it
Im old and dont know what it means tho
Both are long O’s.
“Skol” sounds like “goal.” Imagine if it was spelled “gol” … that’s how your pronounce “Skol.”
The middle “o” is a long “o” sound.
Skol - O - mance
I pronounce it as Thighs
School of the rainmaking dragons
No, no, the L is pronounced as an R.
It’s actually Ska-ro-mance, which is why it is so scary.
It was designed by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Like that, that is how to say.
do you pronounce school as shool?? I’m invested now
but I’m not sure I can handle another wigan kebab