Excluding LFR players from Vault LFR?

This new ilvl requirement is too high, 463 ilvl can’t be obtained by LFR players, most of them have 440-450 ilvl.

I never had this problem and I have been a LFR player since Cataclysm, I have full LFR gear, I should be able to hop into the next raid without issues.


Heroic Dungeon queue awards 475…
timewalking awards 465+
there are many ways bruv


The queue or you mean random drop chance?

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World Quests dropping 460+


I’m 473 and the LFR raid is gone from group finder (was there 30 mins ago), so whatever they just did it isn’t locking it at 463

edit relogging fixed it

When? I sadly have a dagger in talon toss that’s at 350Ilvl :frowning:

Edit. Zaralek has 454 gear at least. Gotta go do those!

I haven’t run a normal raid or key in over a year. By the end of S3, every one of my characters was 469 or above.

If 463 is too high right now to jump in right away, there’s plenty of casual content available already this week that awards 476 to 480 loot, and even a few 493 pieces (Timewalking, Last Hurrah) you can get without setting foot in a raid.


Which WQ are those? Highest I’m seeing is 398 for Famous Frogs in Waking Shores and others are 350 on my toon that is 470.

EDIT: I see Zaralek Caverns now, my bad, I forget that is even a place on the map.

I think this may be one of the things that has either broke or been fixed. I don’t normally look at WQ gear because this toon is past that now for gearing.

There are plenty of other ways to get your ilevel up though(open world and LFD) but they also appear to be broken for many.

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That is only for raiders, LFR players only get 350 ilvl from world quests.


What? You can get up to 493 gear from open world now. Probably higher with crafting.

Even in Season 3, I could get 463 gear from upgrading open world items. And 476 from crafting. And no, I haven’t done a single mythic or raid in this expansion yet.


Theres ways to gear, go hit up M0s and M+.

Do heroic dungeons to catch up. They drop 476 loot.


Dreamsurge quest gives 480. The event quest for the soup, hunts and Dragonsbane keep stuff gives 480. The quest at the soup gives 480. World quests got a buff. You can use those to give you a jump as well. I was worried about this as well but they give you enough to get in from outdoor stuff and other group stuff.


Yoooo. Thanks to this thread, I found out those events give 15k gold. Still got some 350 gear from them, but also 480.


Was doing LFR earlier on my ivl456 druid and then they randomly changed it, so annoying


They did need to set a requirement though. LFR is meant to be a breeze, it very much is not a breeze if the requirement is so low players would have to worry about being one-shot by unavoidable damage.

Then again, my only S4 LFR experience was going through some trash, a few people wondering why the boss had so much HP, then tanks getting exploded because they were 130 ilvls below the gear that dropped from the content because yes, was possible to get in at 360 item level.

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I did a couple of the fated raids yesterday. When I logged on today, I was told my ilvl was too low… did they change the requiremnts?

I have 463 but you are correct that is too high - that means you were able to upgrade every piece of gear. Who the heck is running the show there today - totally crazy decisions.

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I had heard that there was no requirement yesterday…so you could queue at any ilvl. Which was an oversight.

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not anymore they don’t - 3 hours ago something changed and most people getting 350 green gear