Exclude the twinks from normal que if this change goes through

It really isn’t up for debate. It makes sense they used party because they have the basic programming already in to prevent tanks and healers who join in parties from receiving the goodie bags.

Does it make sense they would really be that stupid to let one person with xp off join a random dungeon and affect everyone ?

No why would they be excluded from queueing with others for PvE content? You must be thinking of battlegrounds.

they do because then the person being carried has access to the dungeon boss gear and generally it is a lot cheaper for the carry.

if it only applies to party, there’s nothing to worry about. this only hurts freehold and I/E carries, since you have to group(party) with the twinked character.

if the twink joins through the queue system, he/she is not considered a party member, thus, the debuff will not be applied.


I have no issue with this if party means “someone you joined with before queuing”. They left what officially makes it a party up to debate here.

I like to lock my exp while leveling an alt so I can run old content I find enjoyable. Sometimes I just want to run all of the old BC/Wrath/Cata/Mop/Wod/Legion heroics at lvl 70/80/85/90/100/110 just for the fun of it. Those changes would hurt my ability to do that considerably.

Very few people still run those old dungeon and if we have a separate queue for those with locked exp we would literally never run them ever again.

Even if the whole new set of rules apply only to people who joined your group prior to the queue, I should still be allowed to run an old dungeon with a friend without them losing exp just because I want to experience old content.

Many find the way I level my characters odd and/or crazy as I spend months to reach max level on every single one of my alts. Probably the reason why I only play a few characters.

Locking my exp has been the way I found to re-live the old content that so many have forgotten over the years, and it looks like blizzard has forgotten about it aswell.


It would be a huge issue if they are about to start selling 120 boosts. :wink:


That is usually the time of issues Ion and co like to “fix” are the ones nobody has an issue with.


The hate for twinks by the developers is disappointing


Twinks take people off of the Blizzard theme park ride. Therefore, they are bad.

Imagine spending time and money working on these kinds of changes… Managers have insane priorities.


What they really need to do is fix the scaling issues that has created the situation they are trying to fix. Instead they are just trying to hide the power leveling while ignoring what made it possible to being with.


This won’t happen.

The change only affects groups that manually invite player characters who have XP off. There is no impact on players who find themselves automatically grouped by the matchmaker while doing PvP or Group Finder dungeons.

This change also doesn’t affect anyone who has turned off XP for their own benefit, such as plundering old raids while keeping their level low enough to use their Aggramar’s Stride boots.


That’s good to hear… officially.


Good job costing yourself even more subs. I personally pay for 5 accounts but with this and other changes I will drop down to 1 or finally just day screw it and drop all together.


Good job blizz, it’s the change we asked for. Keep up the good work.


Good bye.

Obligatory, “Can I have your gold?”


But what about cases where guildies might party up to queue for random dungeons together and one of them has XP turned off for their own benefit, do the guildies get punished for being in party with the person with XP turned off?


That’s boosting and is a BIG no-no.


Here’s an idea. Stop trying to police how people play your game, and just be thankful that you have people playing your game who find ways to make it fun.


Not wrong.
