I’d really like to find a good active guild but I also really like my characters name. It’s an identity that’s been present for almost 15 years. Most servers I’d transfer to would change that. However, cross-realm guilds effectively change that because I wouldn’t need to move any toons.
I’m not the kind that guild hops nor do I think that’s a bad thing when individuals are trying to find the right fit
It was the other way around. After they decided to force everyone to do Torghast, they removed the loot because casuals didn’t deserve gear from it.
I really think what happened was they based their development of the feature on horrific visions. This was the only new content for 8.3, and I think they were assuming that casuals would have no choice but to do it, git gud, and become addicted to difficult content. A lot of casuals decided it was going to be optional for them, did old content or took a break until shadowlands.
So they really made Torghast mandatory for anyone who was going to play Shadowlands content. Then I guess they realized that blocking access to content with a difficult grind was going to result in a player dropoff rather than an increase in player skills. So they nerfed it and removed the gear.
Fun fact: my buddy stopped doing current content in Shadowlands. He now levels up and goes back to old content.
Nope. Not run one, but been in several across both the US and EU for all of my years playing WoW.
This isn’t a problem. Yes, there’s people who the exact thing you are talking about. But the number of people who do that on a scale or degree that is a problem is less than negligible. So no, I don’t buy your argument because it is virtually impossible for it to based on reality.
Then you haven’t had to deal with the kind of garbage people dish out at guilds on a daily basis.
I wish I had a dollar for every person I’ve talked to who said something like, “I’m looking for a guild to raid with TONIGHT. If you can’t fit me in TONIGHT then I’m not interested.”
Why would you ever invite someone with an attitude like that to the guild in the first place…? Of course folks are garbage people in guilds I know that well enough. But the idea that there’s a systematic issue based on the people you invite to the guild yourself, or whatever invitation policy is set up for the guild, is entirely down to you.
There’s a huge difference between people acting like complete and utter garbage people and tools in your guild… versus inviting people like that. That doesn’t make it a systematic issue relating to guilds or even cross realm guilds. That’s an issue at the invitation process and expectations in that case.
Crossrealm guilds ain’t going to make people better or worse. It will just mean that more friends from different realms can better play and organize things together as a guild. We have seen that time and time again with various systems being loosened up to allow for more people to play together.
On a, uh, totally unrelated note. I may be looking for a new guild when this cross-realm guild feature drops. And I will really need some flexibility from your guild to facilitate that.
I gotta disagree. Cross-realm guilds (and cross-realm/faction Mythic Raiding in general) makes smaller realms an actually viable choice.
If you’re looking to break into endgame raiding, then a large majority of servers (and factions, quite frankly) were locked out of being a viable choice. If I were an NA player looking for a guild, I probably wouldn’t even consider any realm but A52 or Illidan at this point, just purely out of a financial perspective.
Cross-realm raiding allows for a ‘try before you buy’, and I think not needing to shell out to realm (and possibly faction change) your main and also do the same for any secondary characters, or have to level/gear them from scratch makes smaller realms a lot more appealing.
From the perspective of a potential recruit, I could join a guild because I like their times and general vibe, and not need to weigh the risk of being stuck on a dead realm because it turned out that guild wasn’t a good fit for me.
I don’t think serial guild hoppers are particularly worried by the change, they were already playing A52/Illidan Horde or Frostmourne Alliance anyway.
And you’re thinking of it from the perspective of a guild-hopper, like everybody posting here. Nobody is thinking of it in terms of what’s best for guilds, including Blizzard. And then we end up with “why is it so hard for people to find good guilds?” just like “why is it so hard to find good healers and tanks” and in both cases the answer is the same: because you all treated them like crap.
A larger pool of recruits is a net boon for guilds. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
The entire reason on why realms have condensed as much as they have is because both guilds and potential recruits came to the same conclusion, it’s WAY easier to both recruit and be recruited on a bigger realm.
BINGO!!! and this is the hubris of wow development. Modern gamers don’t want to dedicate the time to organized raiding and have a 2nd life in game. I am hopeful they are finally starting to realise that (or at least financial people sitting on top of Ion and his Ilk are forcing the change - saying no you need to put gamers first not what you want, listen to the fans not the streamers/hardcore crowd).
Thats kind of where I am now. For me BFA killed wow though… no more faction pride “the horde are nothing”.
Excited at the prospect of delves in the next expansion. I mostly do raid and mythic plus. But there are days where I just want to chill and do my own thing. Delves will give me an option to still progress in something even on those days I just want to do my own thing.