Excited for WoW’s future?

With all the recent announcements and upcoming features , what has you excited for World of Warcraft’s future?

Destruction Warlock :slight_smile:


Meh.big Meh.


For me it’s the sense of setting out at the start of a huge new adventure. :smiley: I’m also especially stoked for Midnight, hoping we get some exciting surprises along the way.


I’d be more excited if they could add bard class


I hate coming off negative and I’m happy for the QoL things they’ve started doing with DF and the future. But it feels like Blizzard is playing catchup in comparison to other MMOs when it comes to QoL.

I will say I’m disappointed that there isn’t more evergreen content such as player housing or much else that isn’t purely revolved around player power and combat. For example, Darkmoon Faire to be open all the time and have more interesting mini games. Jump puzzles, etc.

Also, a bit disappointed there’s no expansion on support roles. Seems a bit narrow sighted on the development of the game.

I think I’m most excited for story being a major focus. Overall, I’m cautiously optimistic.


Delves sound good. I’m a solo player, so the idea of a proper end game system that i can progress through is tantalising. Can’t say I’m “excited” for it just yet though. Still need to see it in action. But optimistic.


Delves. That was the only reason I already bought War Within.

(Although I bought Shadowlands because Torghast seemed like it was going to be an endgame activity for solo players, and look how that turned out.)

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Delves sound interesting but I hold off on excitement till I actually see it in action.

Blizzard as a whole doesnt excite me anymore most of the time.

They talk a big talk but fail to deliver most of the time now.


They completely broke pugs with the first one. If your group doesn’t have a aug evoker your gimping yourself and your teammates. They should remove the spec completely until they can figure out a way to not make them so needed

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As a casual, I’m just glad this game still exists.


I’m hoping Metzen’s return will bring back the proper metalhead tone of the franchise.
But I’m not holding my breath since he’s largely responsible for setting WoW on the path of narrative degradation it’s been hurtling down in the first place.


Care to elaborate?

Just make dungeons 6-man to restore 3dps + aug/tank/healer :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you could also add other “pure support” classes or specs to compete for the ‘support’ role. e.g. paladins and shamans originally were heavily based around support, give them pure support roles.

Heroic raid loot from delves. Finally a solo viable progression mode.

Edit: also curious to see just how far they push the “follower” feature. M+ followers would be nice. LFR followers too.


Uh, I’m content. I don’t know about excited/hyped. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

If torghast rewarded heroic\mythic raid loot it would have been fine… heck if it did what visions did which is first per week = heroic, then normal and scaled down would of been fine too. They took the loot out of torghast and forced EVERYONE to do it for legendaries that was the problem.

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What recent announcements and upcoming features specifically indicate more fun for casual PvP? I’m not interested in one ‘new’ 10-man BG.

Feel the same tbh

It’s been a while since I felt “hyped” by something they announced. I think Mage Tower coming back in SL is one of the last times I genuinely felt “excited” to log in again

They are really lacking in “hype factor” (for lack of a better word) recently, it’s a noticeable difference if you’ve been playing long enough

That’s the problem… for the game to grow and sub-counts to rise they NEED “hype factor”, not just “yeah, it’s okay I guess”


When am I getting my Pandaren druid, Mag’har paladin, Worgen shamen and skinny Kul’Tiran ?
