Excited for WoW’s future?

The solution to dead servers is aggressive server mergers, same as always. Blizzard is just too chicken to do it.

What is cross realm raiding/guilds but realm merges under a different name?

There is no functional difference to me being able to play with any realm than there is merging every server into one mega-realm.


no. post must have at least 10 characters.

BINGO!!! and this is the hubris of wow development. Modern gamers don’t want to dedicate the time to organized raiding and have a 2nd life in game. I am hopeful they are finally starting to realise that (or at least financial people sitting on top of Ion and his Ilk are forcing the change - saying no you need to put gamers first not what you want, listen to the fans not the streamers/hardcore crowd).

Thats kind of where I am now. For me BFA killed wow though… no more faction pride “the horde are nothing”.

Only for the classic stuff, retail is just my garden of collections/achievement’s now :nerd_face:.

So glad you asked! I wrote a 2.5k word essay on it!
Check out this thread:

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Excited at the prospect of delves in the next expansion. I mostly do raid and mythic plus. But there are days where I just want to chill and do my own thing. Delves will give me an option to still progress in something even on those days I just want to do my own thing.

That was an excellent post, and completely agree.

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some ways yes seeing other successful things from other games like dragon riding and delves are nice but then other things have me concerned like selling early access and trader’s tender

That’s been happening forever. Heck some of the worst guild hoppin I’ve ever seen happen in classic lol

To be honest if this was implemented in SL it would have made my life and my co-leaders life easier when it came to recruiting or filling a spot when we were doing Mythic progression.

Roster boss was quiet honestly harder than actually downing actual mythic raid bosses. At that point we would have rather had a body than canceling a raid due to missing a few people. And we were posting recruitment on reddit, WoW forums, in game text, etc.

People jumping ship to another has been around for ages, it’s nothing new.

On Illidan? I don’t doubt it. Now add the entire country to that. It gets even worse.

“If we had access to more people we’d do better” is a fallacy demonstrated by every Alliance CE guild that flipped to Horde “because it will be easier” and suddenly stopped being a CE guild. Of which there were MANY the last few years.

To be fair I think a lot of our issues was just due to Shadowlands in general. People lost interest fast and many were just checked out due to boredom.

But I do see where you’re coming from. I remember my OG server Lightninghoof and how when Blizzard opened up transfers to any server that the population just dwindled.

I’m looking forward to Delves, for sure.

In the more immediate future, though, I’m excited to be able to use dynamic flight in the old world, and with my Dracthyr racial too.

Eh, not really. Had TWW trailer been of Alleria and Xal as opposed to Thrall and Andy, I’d be more excited. Other than delves, nothing I’ve seen has really interested me yet

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Delves, thats it. The rest looks like regurgitated content with a new skin with more stolen features from other games. Yay for another copy pasted race :roll_eyes:. So im not really all that impressed.

Wow players are easily amused though so it honestly makes sense.


Reading between the lines I am expecting a dramatic shift away from Mythic raid/M+ and more focus on LFR, Devles and the open world being the focus of the franchise again. I dont think any one mode will altogether go away but by the 2nd/3rd worldsoul saga LFR, Devles, follower modes, casual drop in/out style gameplay with more social tools and engagement should be the default way to play the game with participation in M+/mythic raid greatly diminished (much less time worrying about balancing it and more time spent making fun content for the masses).

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Warbands and maybe one day leading into housing. Also the chance that warbands evolve into letting you run dungeons with your own alts.

Ultimate wishlist item is WoWGPT, where we can chat up our in game characters and hear back from them.


Delves, global dragonriding, guided dungeons, and Warbands.

God, that’ll be the dream…


Not very. But thats more me than the game… about 65/35