I continue to get same Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION … The memory could not by “read”

Report ID: FDEB73F9-4E9A-437E-A134-0D735C0E0ACA

I have troubleshooted this a lot over the past week or 2. I have done:

Reinstall Windows
Remove WTF, Interface and Cache folders
*Scroll to the bottom and uncheck Optional GPU Features and **Advanced Work Submit done this as well still does the error
Completely rebuild my UI
Scan now in CMD

I have a 14900k intel processor seems to be happening from what I read to newer hardware. Please assist.


I was about to start a post about almost the same thing. I was getting the exact same error as you and the only thing that stopped it was unchecking async resource creation. Unchecking optional gpu features and advanced work submit didnt help. Even now that I’m no longer crashing and getting the error though (Which im convinced is me getting lucky cause its barely been a day) the game is having some type of horrible stutter even when im at 120-150 fps and is unplayable. It’s like I have 30 fps but im genuinely at 120+
The game is fine when i stand still and sometimes when im fighting but any movement and especially being in the city but even in nonpopulated new areas with new assets it has a problem. The stutter never goes away and is even visible in cinematics. It’s like my ram is unstable but it isnt. All my parts were just tested by a pc shop and I tested them on my own including a memory test/karhu ram test.

Been submitting tickets to blizz for the last few days and they told me to visit a pc repair shop or ask the forums for help. I went to a pc repair shop even though Im convinced its on blizzards end because every other game in existence works fine, and they told me theres absolutely nothing wrong with my pc.

All my drivers are updated. All my parts have been tested and swapped out and retested, including down to the cpu. I’ve reinstalled the game on my current hard drive and tried another. I’ve deleted all addons.

It really feels like they are intentionally keeping us in the dark about something or are intentionally ignoring the problem.

I have a 4090/14900ks/8200 corsair ram but swapped out fort 6200 corsair ram while testing/samsung pro ssd/asus rog thor II 1000w and almost 18 fans with a custom hard tubing loop. There is 0 reason why this pc should have a problem with wow but I still have rtx turned off and other settings turned down for example and am getting these stutters even at 400 fps in the open world.

Somebody needs to deep dive into this because too many people with the exact same parts are having problems. Is there really no solution available and even though my pc has been checked out by multiple professionals its still our fault and not the games?

My bios is updated after all the intel microcode drama as well. There is no stone I have left unturned.

I’ve done everything in the book to troubleshoot this. Nothing in any of their articles has helped.

I am also getting this same ERROR it is extremely frustrating!!! I even did a complete wipe of the hard drive with diskpart and fresh install of everything including windows and can’t get this to stop is on Blizzard’s end been happening since the new expansion. ALL of my drivers are up to date so dont know what else to do about to give up and play something else. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THIS GAME HELP US FIX THIS!!!

I’ve also been getting the exact same error since last nights update. Everything was fine before then, so something with the last update is causing these crashes.

Only thing thats helped me besides unchecking async at the bottom of the graphics page is using intels non extreme mode in my bios. I get the exact same fps if not higher. Idk about your mobo’s but I use an asus one and there are 3 options right ontop of where you select xmp 1 2 or tweaked.

First theres intel performance and extreme mode and then asus’s extreme profile. I thought using the performance mode would lower my fps but it really didnt and havent had a crash yet so give it a try if you have it. If you dont, you probably need to update your bios but anyone thats been following the 13 and 14900k drama probably already updated this cause of the microcode issue.

I tried modifying every other profile for a few days just to find out the performance one works near perfectly. Still seeing some type of stutter or hitching but its a lot less frequent and I can ALMOST just play and enjoy the game. Much better than falling behind or having to reboot my games 30 times a day.

If you’re afraid to update your bios or change into this setting please ask me any questions you might have cause its honestly really straightfoward and will probably take less than 10-15 mins. TLDR you look up your mobo, download an updated bios driver from their website and put it on a usb then into your pc. Turn off your pc, boot into bios, load the bios update from the tool/more tab in your bios and apply it.

Wanted to add to my reply that as someone whos using a 4090/14900ks/64gb of 8200 mhz ram, dont think you’re not taking advantage of your computers high end parts by using this. I’ve tested the fps in other benchmarks and in other games, the fps is usually higher and thats because it’s mostly just turning down the voltage and achieving the same thing. Some overclocking situations benefit from the extreme profile from intel and asus but in this case its probably why the game is freaking out on its old engine.

Having the same issue
my Report ID: EB7EA7E-541D-4C71-93AB-0C24472B02B0

IM running Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)

And i am getting the same error constantly

I may have just completely solved this for myself, theres a good chance it’ll work for you if you use nvidia drivers lol.

So I assumed my drivers were properly updated because I use geforce experience/or the new nvidia app and it said successfully installed but after still getting the crash and seeing stuttering I tried to install it manually from their website to double check and it kept telling me the installation failed INSTEAD of current or newer vers already exists. So I knew it probably wasnt installed right.

After some research I learned that in my case GPU tweak being open even though I wasnt actively using it/my gpu was running at default settings was ruining the install. Every time the nvidia app said it had been successfully updated it was the bad half install because gpu tweak was always open and unlike the manual installation it doesnt really tell you, it actually says completed successfully.

So test it yourself by just trying to run the manual installer for your drivers and see if it fails, if it fails make sure to close anything related to monitoring or overclocking your gpu and keep closing non essential programs til the manual installer works and it asks you to restart your pc after.

I noticed that unchecking async in the graphics options should only work for people on old hardware and had a feeling the drivers couldnt have been successfully installed if it thought a 4090 was old.

same here. even hearthstone crashes on my 4090. I play it on a tablet. blizzard games don’t like my fancy pc i guess.

same here, it just started today… never happened before.

Same error here, it also crashes my PC at the same time

I don’t have this error, but my game shutdowns my pc suddenly =/… rtx 4060 and I5 12400f

I tried almost evrything thats written on this forum and I still get this error. Blizz needs to say something about this.

Haven’t been able to fix it yet after all. This is getting super frustrating. Had my pc looked at by a repair shop and reinstalled windows anyways, still crashing. Doesnt matter what ram cpu mobo or gpu I use. No xmp or xmp 1 2 and tweaked doesn’t work either. It sucks that blizzards only solution has been to ignore us and the countless threads like this yet they send us here for a solution or suggest a pc shop like I tried. They are not being truthful about something.

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I believe I really found the solution here especially for people on newer cpu’s/asus boards so if you try it out and it works for you please let the thread know. If I get a crash lol I’ll remove this comment so if its still here it’s worth a shot.

Long story short whats crashing our game is not our cpu’s max clock/mhz but the voltage or it’s IA VR limit it is requesting at the peak of the clock. 14900ks’s request up to almost 1.6 normally and this is whats causing the problem. If you reduce this number specifically and not your cpu’s voltage/pl1 pl2 or max voltage, you eliminate the spikes without hurting your cpu’s clocks. If you pick a limit too low you will lower your cpu’s mhz but unless you’re picking a number you simply dont need to, performance should be the exact same fps if not higher than with the bad IA VR limit.

Go straight to your bios and cpu voltages to find the IA VR limit wherever it is for you and put a limit on it which for me is 1450 to 1525. This roughly translates to a max of 1.45 to 1.525. Once again my processor requests up to a ridiculous almost 1.6 which is what was causing the crash (more like 1.598 or something which was suppose to be maxxed out at 1.55 after the intel microcode/bios update) so I can safely set any number under intels new limit of 1.55 which is obviously too much because thats what its been using. I started with 1450 and will settle somewhere underneath 1.50 probably 1525 or so. I’m currently on 1525 with a 14900ks with no crashes so basically at the speed I should be.

If the voltage thing scares you, it will help you to know that intels recent microcode update tried to address this issue by basically doing what we’re doing here with a 1.55 limit on this and suggests no higer than the same but I would stay under 1.55 to be safe because obviously the 1.55 is contributing to our crashes. Anything under it and higher than 1425 should never be capable of causing any harm to your cpu. 14900k’s and ks’s are suppose to be requesting a max of 1.55 or so after the intel microcode update and before the update requested almost a 1.6. Please do your research though for your specific cpu to be safe.

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I’ve been having this problem since just after the launch. I at first thought it was a Blizzard problem. I have an Intel i9 14900ks with an ASUS ROG Strix Z790-F motherboard. I contacted the manufacturer, Falcon Northwest, and we tried several things including updating the BIOS for the motherboard but nothing worked.

I then got an email from Falcon’s tech support which I will partially quote here:

"While we don’t use Intel XTU for the purpose, reducing the clock-multiplier for the Performance Cores is something we have done for diagnostic purposes, and it seems relevant at this point. Here’s how we do it, in your BIOS:

  1. Restart the system and tap the key to enter the BIOS setup utility.
  2. Select the “Ai Tweaker” menu.
  3. Enter the “➤ Specific Performance Core” submenu.
  4. Highlight the “Performance Core0 Specific Ratio Limit”, and type in “56”.
  5. Repeat step #4 for “Performance Core1 Specific Ratio Limit” through “Performance Core7 Specific Ratio Limit”. (So that all 8 cores are set to 56.)
  6. Press the key save the changes and restart.

If your problems go away following this, that demonstrates the problem lies with the CPU. We can discuss next steps if that’s what we find, but we’ll definitely get it taken care of with you.

On the other hand, if the problems persist, that level of reduced frequency (in conjunction with the recent BIOS update and settings) should fully resolve CPU-related instability in our experience, so remaining instability is very likely nothing-at-all to do with the CPU. We’ll have to seek answers elsewhere."

I applied the settings to my motherboard and all my problems have disappeared. I have played WoW for the past 3 days with no crashes at all. So it looks like the CPU was the problem.

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Yep, there’s a blue post about it also:

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Having the same problem report ID 7867D0EE-A35D-4AD8-B3BE-AA316ABB275C :disappointed:

Those codes used to work with a tool for the ticket system, but I don’t believe they read them anymore (not sure tbh). What I can say for sure is that none of the other players in this forum can read them, since they relied on a proprietary tool.