Examples of Layering exploits and problems


A clip from Tips where a big group of people get layered.

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When I heard of layering, the first thing I thought of was finding a way to pop in and out of world pvp. Being invited in and out of layers. Possibly using a stealth Ed party member to do so.

Good post. It definitely isn’t the same. I really hope they rethink this. This could be their last chance to get many players back into the game.

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Wow… this is so bad haha.

sadly blizzard does not listen to their customers

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It’s okey!

I mean, they will have a harder time to access the game without it, and be much more vulnerable to dedicated gank squads just like everyone else… but I’m sure the donations they will get will cheer them up enough to keep going, in case layering isn’t there to save them :wink:

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Added! Thanks.

Blizzard. You really need to look into this. I’m just hoping that layering isn’t here to stay

I don’t really know what Blizzard “can do” about this. Layering is layering. You either LOCK layers, giving the player the choice to choose their layer or it is what we currently have. Another option would be to layer only start zones and not the entire freaking realm.

Added today’s discussion:
Good Morning Azeroth (Kargoz) discussion https://www.twitch.tv/videos/442770615


What is wrong with mages aoe-layer hoping to 60 in 3 days? Sounds authentic.

shameless McBump. shame on you blizzard for such an awful system, just deal with the server merge/transfer headache and dynamic respawn if necessary. layering/sharding will RUIN classic and cause people to quit in droves.


Sharding would have been handy in all the 1-10ish starting zones, especially since players are getting used to a different way of playing the game vs. retail. Items/bosses in those zones are not likely to be valuable ‘farming’ spots for most farmers, which helps slow the economy issues that will come from Layers/Sharding in lvl 10+ zones if Layering is kept.

Part of the official experience was the need for the players to work situations out and I can see Blizzard undermining this play-style etiquette by micro-managing everything for the players in Classic, the way they do in Retail.

What Blizzard will find, if they’re not careful, is re-living the same consequences [community/economy-wise in Retail] of implementing ‘quality of life systems’ in order to address a problem or to appease certain types of players and/or situations - only to “fix” their targeted problem(s), but cause 10+ other unforeseen issues that may be unrecoverable & detrimental to their game for years to come.


I think it’s important for us, as players, to stop trying to compromise and justify Layering. Blizzard should have zero support from the community, regarding this. It seems as though some are willing to compromise to avoid sharding, but neither of these should be an option. It’s not vanilla and if my experience isn’t perfectly smooth at first then so be it. You have the option to play retail, if Classic isn’t for you.


There definitely is a trend that they have continued in that regard.

I’d hope that this time around they’d look back at all the decisions they’ve made in hopes of “fixing” an issue (often “fixing” something because it was expressed by the community), but then ended up making things much worse.

They need to listen to their game design skills which allow them to make great games, and which give them a wholesome perspective of the game that the community may not have - especially in times like this.

And i agree with what you’ve said - they cut off the hydras head, thinking they’ve struck the monstrosity down and saved the day… only to see it regrow 3 more heads. So they strike them down again, this time much less elegantly, and here come another 6 new ones.
Eventually there are so many, no matter what they do the damage is done and there’s no going back.

Don’t engage the Hydra in combat again Blizz pls. Don’t get baited. You’re not gonna win, again.
I know you really think you have to engage, but there are other ways to approach this layering issue that focus on prevention, not on aggressive intervention. Please reconsider this while there is still time!

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Added Frostadamus video to the OP, where he discusses layeirng (shortly after the start of the video) and how it is making the game worse.

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Really appreciate those discussion videos and podcasts. I also remember Countdown to Classic having layering as a discussion topic - i will look for it and post it here once i find it!


Also added the Layering’s Greatest Hits video lol:
[Various Streamers]

And the one from TipsOut:

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This is a good thread, I hope it gets a good amount of attention. I also hope we can get the disgusting, gluttonous, twisted, heinous technology called layering out of Classic WoW


Found it! Countdown to Classic talks about layering here with different perspectives.