Examples of Layering exploits and problems


Another one to add onto the pile. Does this look like vanilla WoW to anyone, honestly?! :woman_facepalming:


Bumping. People shouldnt be able to layer hop 9 different times to get arena grandmaster. Ridiculous.

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I knew it would come to this, this is why I campaigned so hard for #NoChanges because Blizzard made some changes and now we got a lot of new problems that weren’t in the original game.

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Some of the layering issues aren’t “bugs,” though. They’re fundamental design flaws.

For example, you’re allowed to switch layers to group with friends, by design (i.e., not a bug), which allows WPvP dodging and resource farming exploitation. Layering is a bad idea.


That wont work if your friends join you and they are on a different layer.

I really like the idea of the debuff and limited to certain zones or even cities to switch layers idea.

But more the debuff since I only want it around for the short launch window, then gone. So specific locations to perform it become moot.

And just noticed. . Steamwheedle!!! Aww, my original home.

Has anyone made that claim? Honestly? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep. . good call. . Because 14 years later with our new-fangled computers and discords and what not would not bring out any new issues on their own.

You are going to get problems no matter how nochange you think you are. That’s just the way things go mate.

But righteous indignation is good too :slight_smile:

From the moment they announced layering, my first concern was gathering exploits - same amount of players, twice as many nodes. Twice as many chests. Rarespawns. Inflated market.

I was told, no, don’t worry – it’s only going to be for the starting zone. Okay, great. Then they need to do that and stick to it.

Layering in starting zones ONLY, and I’d like it gone completely before Thanksgiving. We’re already compromising enough having it exist at all. I understand they want a streamline starting experience everyone can enjoy.

I’d rather have dynamic respawns, but I will accept it’s not going to happen. But I think it’s a shame to not even be testing or considering it.


People keep arguing that this new “feature” has a place in Classic, as if it’s acceptable to make layering a part of the game even when it’s absolutely not, and never has been at any point in it’s history.

If it goes through, it would become a part of Classic that defines the games experience for weeks or months after launch, at a time where first impressions are especially important to get right.

People expect Vanilla (the game) in Classic. Classic with layering is not the game people expect (and remember if they’ve already played it), as the clips alone clearly show just by themselves.

People however still pretend it will be the same game, and that it will still provide the same quality Classic experience with layering, just as the game would without layering. And that’s simply not true.

They give layering a green flag to go into Classic for launch, completely disregarding the confusion and anger this approach is going to lead to when people finally return to the game, only to find it changed into something else.
It will not be the same game they remember, because it’s not.

And that’s simply not okey. Classics (longterm!) success depends on getting this game right.


But no one has said that it does not look like vanilla WoW.

Layering is a necessary evil due to the influx. . And you know this and have heard this.

We will agree to disagree. . But please man. We are not saying LAYERING IS Vanilla!!


Fair enough!

I do know that there’s plenty of people who just tolerate layering because they think it’s this necessary evil as you said.
But I’d really hope they wouldn’t fold over so quickly and settle for an inferior version of the game that was advertised to them (especially the old fanbase). It’s not a good deal, in my opinion an unacceptable one if they are really looking to play this game longterm.

Unless Blizzard will officially announce and advertise layering as a new feature listed alongside all the other Classic features, i think it’s a really shameless move towards the core audience to put it in like this.

Because meanwhile this core audience will think they’ll wake up from their long nap since the last time they played Vanilla to play it again on launch day when they wake up.
Only to actually wake up to Classic with layering for weeks/months. That’s gonna be very awkward.

It’s not about that they are folding over, they just don’t care if layering is or is not a part of Classic.

They’re indifferent.

They just keep 'em coming.
Soda gets ganked and successfully avoids the next gank by changing layers.



Added. Thanks!

Here’s a slightly longer clip, from Staysafe’s own channel, which I added, FWIW:


You’re most welcome. This can’t be unnoticed and unaddressed!

I feel bad for the streamers, they need layering to avoid the gankers.

Added also. Thanks!

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Just have instant respawns for questing creature for the first two-three weeks,but this depends on how many people are in the zone. They should also have the quest item shared by party members, like on Private Servers. It’ll fix most of the problems and remove layering.

Easy solution.

people say upping the respawn rate is not “authentic” and they would rather have layering.

See the irony there ?

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