Examples of Layering exploits and problems

Only if we can get the disgusting, gluttonous, twisted, heinous people calling for its removal out of Classic WoW first.

I doubt they can fix these copious amounts of exploits before launch. I mean some of these exploits still havenā€™t been fixed in retail.

Hey :cry: I just donā€™t like layersā€¦ people are cool. Oh well. Iā€™d say iā€™d gank you but iā€™m guessing youā€™ll be alliance too, and play on US while iā€™m EU, so here goes nothing. Fine!! Iā€™ll take the heat then i guess.

Okay Iā€™m sorry for coming off so harshly man.

Iā€™m just getting tired of unnecessary shade being thrown at a system that isnā€™t even going to be around for very long.

I understand. No worries! Itā€™s really a controversial thing right now, and i actually think itā€™s awesome to see people being so passionate about it.
Everyone has their own view and i respect that. It can definitely get heated atm - thatā€™s fine, just hope weā€™ll still all get along somehow after this topic is a done deal since weā€™re all just a bunch of classic fans in the end :+1:

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Well, considering how punishing Classic is supposed to be if folks DONā€™T get along, hereā€™s hoping!

Thanks for being so understanding man.

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Maybe blizz was trying to bribe these streamers with beta access in hopes they would support their unconstitutional decision on layering, and ease the masses into the idea. Welp, that back fired, dint it.

Iā€™m not gonna give that video any credence whatsoever. Just judging by the thumbnail, the dudeā€™s yet another Alexsensual whoā€™d never be happy with anything Blizzard puts out even if it was exactly what he wanted.

See no evilā€¦

The person posting the vid is presenting evidence, no reason for ad hominem, as it isnā€™t the poster that is the topic of the debate, but the evidence of the post, that clearly shows how layering is not at all like vanilla.

Also not the game I paid for to play.

Yea anyone who says ā€œitā€™s just beta, they will fix these by launchā€ really donā€™t understand the ramifications of layering. This has shown to be and will be just another CRZ/sharding, if you have been playing 8.2 you can see how bad Blizzard is at sorting players putting people in empty ones or phasing you out constantly.

Best solution would just be to not have it. All the problems will solve themselves within a few days and the dead realm issue people like to bring up would happen anyway or could be mitigated by upping the realm cap (but not splitting into layers) for the first few weeks.

Added Countdown To Classic podcast discussion on Layering. Thanks again!


This is Kevin Jordan, a vanilla WoW game designer. Here he says in response to a question from his viewer that layering makes the world lose integrity, and therefore also affects the economy. He even refers to layering making it feel like ā€œcheatingā€.

I figured itā€™d be another good clip to add because itā€™s from a literal vanilla wow game designer, and it helps to have someone as important as him in regards to Classic/Vanilla talk about layering and recognizing thereā€™s significant issues with it.

Keep it up :+1:

Added the Kevin Jordan clip to the OP. Thanks @Heidene.

And the Reddit link:

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Looks like the layering cd in action. Asmon got layered when invited by this guy who was with him at the same spot. Didnā€™t see him even when invited to the group (prob. cause of layering cd), and then when he entered the city and ran back out, there was very clear phasing. It looks so clunky and out of placeā€¦ Oh boy. :woman_facepalming:

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So youā€™re suggesting upping the realm cap to what exactly 5000? 8000? 10000? Without having any sort of dynamic respawn? Did you not play the stress test? And that was with layering.

probably like 9000 with dynamic respawn.

Even though Iā€™m really against layering, one possible solution that includes layering that I would personally find acceptable would be requiring a person who wishes to manually layer, to do so in an inn of a major city. Effectively putting manually layering on the hearthstone cooldown.

So youā€™d rather people exploit dynamic respawns like they do on private servers then have layering, itā€™s a double edge sword bud there is no perfect answer to make everyone happy.

With layering you have the problems they are facing on the beta. With dynamic respawns you have places like the fargodeep mine respawning right after you kill a mob sometimes before you even kill the mob.

This was already the case in retail. They had dynamic spawns and on launches things would be respawning super fast. Itā€™s not as exploitable as layering because itā€™s going off the players in the area.

Just release both types of servers. The non-layered ones could be just regular 3k servers even.