Ex-CE / 2.7k io healer LF M+ team or AOTC guild

Hi! I’m a multi class healer (have all healers maxed; currently leaning towards Monk/Shaman/Pally but will likely roll the most OP-looking one) looking for two things:

I’ve got KSM consistently each season through PUGs, but looking to be part of an organized group next season. No real expectations of pushing mega hard as it’ll be my first time doing M+ in an organized group, prob just all 20s and see where it goes from there; ultimately just want chill fun-loving people with the same goals and mindset.

Raids (8-11pm) (+8 GMT)
Used to be a CE raider but can’t commit to a fixed schedule anymore. I’m happy to be a healer sub and/or rotate in whenever there’s a spot, and just aiming to get AOTC. If a space exists like that in your guild, pls hit me up!

Discord is crazerk#4543

Thanks all :slight_smile:

Aiming to be Average - Barthalis is looking for DPS or a flexi healer for season 3’s mythic team (will clear heroic 1st). We raid 7:45-10:30pm AEDT mon & wed. We have a group or 2 pushing keys most other nights.

Hit me up on discord if you have any questions :slight_smile:

Discord = eikots#2958

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Hi, Anarchy inc is in need of a 4th healer. We are a social and AOTC guild. We enjoy M+ but also mount aand achievement hunting.

Hit me up Zwirbel#1679

Hey Crazerk!

I’m from the guild SINTI on Barthilas OCE looking to recruit for AOTC 10.2 and for M+. We are cross-realm, so we have guildies on Barth, Frosty & Khaz and looking to expand! We have guildies running 22+ keys at the moment and a lot of our guildies that took a break during 10.1 hopping back on!

We AOTC raid Monday & Thursday 8-10pm AEDT (server time) but we understand if you aren’t able to make it 100% of the time, as long as you try.

You can find more details about SINTI here - Barthilas LF Raiders AOTC 10.2 Raiding.

I have added you on discord just now, but if any of the above interests you, please reach out on discord (fezleme) or on battle.net (fezleme#1437).

Hi Crazerk,

MDMA Strats could be a home for you! Feel free to reach out if you’re still looking for a home :slight_smile:

Hi Sanguine in nag/cael/saur is recruiting for dps for the next tier - we got aotc to early and doing skips this tier got bland so we raided one night a week but this new tier we are going into mythic and filling out 1-2 more dps and potentially 1 healer

We are more chill but still have a min requirement (non carry) when prog heroic. We still happy to help if needed. We also do a lot of m+ a lot of us are 2600-2700, so will have teams floating about.

We raid Frid/Sat 830-1130pm AEST
if you need anymore info plz add me on bnet scrankit#6808