Calling all Classic players, new and old! <Evolve> on Herod is actively recruiting all players regardless of what content you plan on enjoying the most. The largely successful Vanilla guild has returned to recreate the community we loved and shared!
While accepting of all players, our ultimate goal is consistent character progression with a PVE focus. We are a large group of working adults planning to re-experience all the content Classic has to offer. The committed will earn raid spots and the most involved will form bonds to help you accomplish your goals.
Our plans:
- Two raid nights. Prospective nights Tues/Thurs 7-11 EST
- Construct a social guild lasting through the phases.
- Clear all PVE content on an accelerated but manageable timeline.
We expect those committed to raiding with us to put reasonable effort and come prepared. We have no plans to set a timeline for leveling but will be beginning our raiding efforts as soon as feasible.
If you’re looking for your long-term Classic home, <Evolve> is a fit for you.
Please contact Malakov#3097, Ralix#4261 or Cogburnzz#6063 on Discord for an invite or any questions you may have.