Returning warrior lf Alliance pvp/raid guild

Old player LF an [A] guild on a pvp server.

So real quick about me I first got in to WoW right before TBC came out, eventually becoming the MT of a pretty hardcore raiding guild progressing through new content up until MoP. At the end of WotLK i focused more so on PvP, got the title Arena Master then quit completely when MoP came out up until NOW! I’m BEYOND excited for Classic launch and plan to dedicate around 50 to 60 hours every week to leveling and gearing (somehow my GF is totally cool with this). So basically i

  • am open to raiding any night as Prot or DPS after 6 and until 1 am est, or anytime on weekends
  • understand what it takes to be the best i can be at my role and willing to dedicate my time to that goal
  • am comfortable or will get comfortable in any pve situation classic can throw at us
  • am an easy going guy you’ll never have to worry about causing drama
  • Just want a fun loving guild who takes the game seriously enough to be competitive in pve and pvp but not so serious that its no longer fun.

Thanks for reading! and i hope to hear from someone soon

Heya! Your raid times seem to fit our schedule. We go from 9pm EST to 12am EST. Take a look at the guild info if your interested:

[NA] | Whitemane | Alliance | Progression
is a progression raiding guild whose main focus will be on creating a mature, dedicated, and fun loving community of players while progressing through the main vanilla wow raid content. Our guild staff have been playing the game for over a decade with experience raiding through most of the vanilla endgame content including AQ40 and Naxx. Our focus is to have a flexible main raid group that will be able to make steady progression through the content during each of the phases. We also welcome members focused on PvP, PvE, or a more casual game style to join our community.

Respect the community, and respect the rules. Our community is friendly to players of all types, but we will be expecting good attendance and play if you are seeking to join the main raid group.

Schedule *
Friday: 6pm - 9pm PST
Saturday/Sunday: 12pm - 3pm PST

*Will include additional raid times when another raid group is added. Saturday and Sunday are cleanup/optional raid days. Tuesday may extend to an additional hour as needed

Warrior: 6/8
Rogue: 2/6
Mage: 6/7
Priest: 3/6
Warlock: 1/4
Paladin: Full
Hunter: Full
Druid: Full

If the class you want is full, we intend to run a second raid group as needed.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can reach out to me Arishnakrov#6398 or join our guilds discord to begin the application process:

Hey Budai,

I think you would be a great fit for us as we actually are really in need of another prot warrior, possibly MT.

We are currently sitting at around 85 members, the majority with a lot of experience in either vanilla or pservers. Most of us are 25+ years old just looking to have a good time, make some new friends, clear some content, and avoid the drama that can come with more hardcore guilds.

If this interests you please check out the thread I made below and add me on discord to talk!

We are looking for another fury warrior.

Hey Budal,

Would love to chat. We are in need a couple more good fury warriors. If the info below sounds good to you, add me on Discord and we can chat more: Cogburnzz#6063

We’re exactly the kind of guild you’re looking for, easy going, yet competitive. We’re still in need of a MT and if you’re up for it, we’d love to have you.

Hey there Budai! I have the perfect community of players ready to enjoy Classic with you. Our raid times line up with your availability and we are only recruiting a few select more players. I think we would be a good fit if you’re looking to DPS and rock some meters. Hit me up at Hoax#1492 on Discord or Hoax#11674.

Hope to talk to you soon!

Over at <Vanilla> we’re looking to build up an Alliance presence on Blaumeux.

I think our raid times would be perfect for you. If you’re interested in working with some other Veteran WoW players check us out!