Evokers should get a third spec and that third spec should be tank

As I told you: You did not set up a “discussion”. In failing to do so you have opened this up to a discussion about anything anyone might want to discuss … even if it were “just semantics”. But rest assured: my answer to this particular question is a definite “No, I don’t want to just argue semantics”

It would appear that this isn’t the only thing you clearly failed at.

The answer to that question lies in my very first comment and told you that you framed your “discussion” incorrectly, presented an assertion that can be dismissed outright. In other words: I tried to help you to understand why this thread is unlikely to go in the direction you want.

The good old fallacious reaction if anyone who tried to start a “discussion” without proper evidence / arguments: Accuse others of arguing for argument’s sake.


That is honestly the only good reason I see on your list.


now whats your opinion on the matter…evoker tank yes or no and why
I just gave you a list of examples, can you come up with your own?

I already said that I am indifferent, as I don’t think it will actually change much of anything. Tanks are not popular for a reason and nothing about Evoker being one would really change that. But I did like your suggestion about having a tank with “lust” but I think that might put other tanks without such a powerful key cool down at a disadvantage.

I do also agree that two spec classes are not ideal. Because it gives them less option of their spec is sub-optimal. So for that reason alone, maybe they should consider it but it won’t be for a while down road. I am not trying to talk you out of your position, I just wanted to see if you had a better reason then the typical “we need more tanks” one.

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God some people are just stuck on stupid and do not know anything but attacking a post instead of voicing an opinion.

As to your question Trapalicious, I would love evoker tanks. Honestly its just so cool to be a tanking dragon and I feel that fits the theme of what they are. Being able to embody the aspect of a dragon and getting in the face of your opponent with claws teeth and fire breath


so far you have done everything but answer the question, should evokers tank and why? I gave you a small list and ready to answer whatever reason you may offer from dev time, class fantasy, play style, builds, etc. etc. If you ever do decide to say something about the topic instead of my phrasing that is. You also want to invalidate the topic by attacking me with a lot of small minded assumptions rather than engaging in the actual topic.

Could you at least not post on alts to support you argument at least?


No we did not get a healer class from dk or dh so no


More like because the smart people of the community know that there is literally the opposite of a tank shortage past queue content.

As for the OP, you aren’t open to be convinced. You already got your mind made up and thus wasting keystrokes on arguments trying to convince you is just a waste of time and wear and tear on the keyboard.

I, for one, fully agree with Blizzard here. Casters absolutely need as much support as they can get and at the same time, there needs to be a serious effort taken to reduce the overwhelming massive amount of melee and tank players too.


But adding a tank spec doesn’t take away from the healer or ranged spec also being added in. However tanks are currently the least represented role in the game in terms of spec to role ratio. If that tank spec is caster based (which can work and doesn’t necessarily mean ranged) that would be caster support huh?

I still don’t see the need to answer that question beyond that “maybe” I already gave

You actually gave that list to someone else … and only after you had been repeatedly told that without arguments / evidence of your own, there would be no need for anyone to engage in your desired “discussion”.
To make things worse: Your list largely consists of more assertions (a.k.a. claims) rather than actual arguments / evidence for your your primary assertion.

And your willingness is noted but of no concern to me. This “discussion” simply isn’t going the direction that you are trying to direct it to.

Everything I wrote so far was “on topic” :wink:

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Give caster there moments in the sunshine get over every class has to have a tank


Please elaborate

I really wish they would, not because I wouldn’t like a tank but all they are doing is muddying the waters around the real concern which is Dracthyr not having a tank option.
I wonder if they are making these threads to keep ranged so riled up that they freak out at people asking for dracthyr warriors sooner than later.

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The class will never be a tank the race will have to learn in time the other classes to be able to tank

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so why dont you want them to have a tank spec? specifically

A caster tank absolutely can not work. Do you even have even the foggiest of ideas how that can mechanically work? The tank would either be absurdly strong or weak. No in between.

It is completely irrelevant how many “specs” there are. What matters is that each spec is unique and has a definable niche. Also given how hard focused this community is on balance, adding new classes or specs only serves to further the inevitable balance issues. Were it me, I wouldn’t even add evokers. In fact, I would go through a prune of current classes and have 1 spec for 1 role.

People ask for rogue, hunter, shammy, and Mage tanks pretty regularly around here.

Reason 1 … is a decently verifiable “fact” and thus can be considered “evidence” or “an argument” although it verges on begging the question with regards to your main assertion. Fallacies aren’t a good start for such a list

Reason 2 … is a claim with the underlying implication that a spec to role ratio has to be preserved there.

Reason 3 … is a claim concerning a probable outcome

Reason 4 … is another claim about a potential playstyle

Reason 5 … is another claim, this time one about an uncertain outcome

Reason 6 … is for once a fact in the first part of the sentence but then goes off on a tangent concerning cloth wearing tanks

Reason 7 … is another unsubstantiated claim like your primary assertion

Reason 8 … yet another claim that is not substantiated with anything while ignoring that implementation of spells and talent trees fall into a entirely different area of proficiency than animations

Reason 9 … yet another claim based on the false premise that a tank spec would have to be based on the “Black” parts of the dragon aspects

Reason 10 … And one final claim … this time - just as your main assertion - strictly based on your opinion.

=> The vast majority of things on your list are not “evidence” or “arguments” that support your original assertions but instead just one claim / assertion after the other that don’t have “evidence” or “arguments” behind them either. Hitchen’s Razor also applies to them. So guess what: I’ll gladly dismiss them as well and then ignore the rest because those are trivial in nature and don’t really make a case for Evoker tanks.


it absolutely can work and without reworking the whole class by adding active mitigation and casting push back reduction through talents and passives