Evokers are so squishy it feels bugged

It’s odd. You would think being forced to be closer to our targets than the other casters would mean we would be more tanky to compensate for it no?

Sure we have decent mobility, but since our big damage spells require us to stop moving or we simply used our hover CD already, it ends up not helping as much as you would think.


If hover was able to be toggled, then I wouldn’t mind so much having the durability of paper.


There has been so much feed back given about Devokers. Ranging from the mobility being way to low to justify a 25yd range to being literally the worst class in PvP and funnily enough no one really disagrees, but Blizzard’s like okay we hear you.

buffs disintegrate by 15%

:dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Having played ele shaman… No, not really.
I very, very easily out damage everyone in M+ keys, by a large margin.
Bosses yeah the gap is smaller, but no way is it nearly as bad as this thread is making it to be. I’m not scratching the bottom of DPS meters by a long shot.

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Then you’re not running with a good group. I’ve been up to +11’s so far and I’ve run with other Evokers and I find that to not be true.

Also, having played an elemental shaman, that has nothing to do with how Evokers play.


I really love evoker. Dev has been super fun to play so far, but the range cap feels so bad most of the time…

I wouldn’t mind being so squishy if I could stay back further…

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Move the goalpost all you like. I regularly hit 60K+ DPS on group pulls, around 25k dps on bosses.

You complained about the evokers damage being too reliant on RNG.
This is inaccurate. The reason why I am bringing this up is because if you played ele sham during BFA, you would know what I am talking about with the proc management.

We aren’t in BFA. I haven’t moved the goalposts. 25k dps isn’t… great, what? Proc management is only a small part of the problem.

Miss firebreath, or need it for an important add? It’s gone for 30 seconds and that’s a chunk lopped off your spender.
Get interrupted while channeling your spender, you’ve lost a slow to recover resource. Need to hit hover, you’ve interrupted whatever cast you were currently doing.
Eternity Surge didn’t proc during your spender, well you’ve just lost 3-5k dps for that rotation.

You’re not running at higher levels if you’re only doing 25k dps so you don’t know how they perform stacked to other classes and geared appropriately.

Sticking your fingers in your ears and ignoring valid criticism doesn’t make it go away.

You can disagree all you want but the data doesn’t support your opinion and neither do the hundreds of threads of feedback.


Bet. Check back in a couple weeks. I truly don’t care for your defeatist attitude. It’s not nearly that bad.

Right. No actual argument so you’ve thrown your hands up. I enjoy the class, I’d like to see it do better. Come back once you’ve done some actual end game content.


You’re amusing.

I’m hoping they tune it some more once the Holidays are up. If they were going to change anything about disintegrate I wish they’d make it use essence over its cast and not immediately.


Therein lies the problem. Devoker is basically just a pachinko machine. You’re a beast if you run hot, but your DPS ends up in the dumpster if you don’t. There’s way too much variation. Really hurts the spec in all forms of content. The fact it takes an absurd amount of damage on top of it is just an extra kick in the dangly bits.

Several classes are very RNG-driven, but in Devoker’s case the amount of swing it generates is ludicrous.


I make very liberal use of Renewing Blaze and Obsidian Scales, as well as using Verdant and Blossom as heals when I absolutely need to. Renewing Blaze is great when you know the damage is coming, though.

I do not disagree that we feel squishy, btw. I feel like I had an easier time staying alive on my Mage at times. Heh, and it used to be worse. This is Evoker after they buffed their defensive capability. :frowning:

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Sounds like your group is not that op. I have a lot of very good dps in my guild they do like 35k+ ST and with CDs popped they hit 140k dps on multi target :slight_smile:

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I’ve also hit 140k on large multi target. What’s your point?

Moving Goalposts, eh?


Ive never hit 140k no matter how big the pull was it must be super big to hit that as Evoker my highest has been like 88k or something and i do M+ 10s+ and raids

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I’ve almost hit that high, but not regularly and only with deep breath (long long CD) and a compressed firebreath for a quick burn on adds.
It’s so specific and inconsistent for that kind of damage, though, that it’s not even worth mentioning on Evoker.

Aye, and Bal druids and Demo locks are not at the top but are still pulling like 40k ST in M+ at least

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