I have always wondered why a dragon who has dragon scales can’t tank. Not sure about you all but wouldn’t it make sense to add a 4th spec to give Evokers the ability to tank make sense? We always hear about how dragon scales are so tuff and you can’t penetrate them. So why not a Tank? Especially since we need more tanks in the world of Warcraft.
Blacktalon or something like that. They use the black magic mostly. They can heal/self heal. They can resurrect. They could use a 2H weapon and their scales add to their armor. Making them fast tanks who can parry and dodge well. Also they can move around really well. Adding a taunt would be easy enough. Giving them PBAoE (point blank area of effect) fire spells for up close and personal agro and DPS. They can have fire bolts from their mouth to pull.
I truly hope they add more tank specs. Evokers, Shamans, Warlocks could easily have tank specs added to them.
Because evoker does not come in the size of a building like a normal dragon.
Just about half of the classes in the game can tank.
Dracthyr will get tanks when blizzard decides to give them more classes. But not every new class added needs a tank spec. Evoker was the first one for caster mains ever added to the game.
Idk, compared to other casters I feel like they’re range is pretty mid. I feel like they’re Flame Breath could maybe be re-looked at to maybe offer a talent which could turn it into a channeled Flame sorta like the heart of azeroth focusing iris.
I am 100% with you man! If a monk in leather armor can get wailed on, then by god we should be able to put our scales to good use and tank too! Plate tanks make sense but LEATHER? Cmon man. If we have leather tanks then we should definitely have mail tanks!
Could be called Scalewarden or Warder, Blacktalon like you said, w/e, I don’t care. I just want to be able to tank too! I enjoy Devastation and Preservation and would kill to be able to tank too. I like being able to fill roles as needed and I love dragons, so if we could tank then this would be the perfect spec/race combo for me.
From Augmentation that could be used for tanking I really like Blistering Scales + Molten Blood. Upheaval and Eruption are really cool abilities visually + their cc components. Past that, leaning into abilities that mitigate dmg, do dmg and so on should be the bread and butter of Scalewarden. Past that, you could really incorporate any other flight’s magic. Red would do a mix of dmg and healing, Green would just straight up heal you and or shield you, or Bronze could help you rewind dmg and probably do shields too.
Personally, I don’t like Augmentation. I understand it can be really good but playing it doesn’t feel good - to me. Now if I could tank, as well as heal and dps like a Paladin can, on my DURGON? O my, that’s a dream come true.
In short, agreed. Dragons should be able to tank <3
This has been driving me crazy ever since I came back to WoW. Dragons and tanking are two of my favorite things in MMOs. Why must they make me pick just one?!
Evokers weren’t created to - just - be supreme casters lol. They were created to be super soldiers that held the power of each Flight’s magic. That doesn’t automatically block them from being good at melee. They literally have Scalecommanders and you don’t think they’ve been trained in how to be good at melee, how to wield their claws, tails and scales effectively?
They’re dragons - with dragon scales. You back that up with Black Flight magic? Bam, your an earth, empowered badass. That’s how you “distinguish” an Evoker tank. Is it really that hard to believe that can exist?
So size = tanking ability? Then how do you explain Gnome Warriors? Lol, what a hollow rebuttal man. Dracthyr Scalecommanders exist and it’s not a stretch to envision that Dracthyr Evokers have learned how to effectively wield their tails, scales and claws to fight in melee - especially once they regained the Black flights power that was stripped of them.
Druids have a tank AND caster spec lol. Why can’t Evokers have both too? A dragon tanking just thematically goes really well together and since the Black Flight is all about the earth and whatnot it makes perfect sense to empower an Evoker Tank with the power of the Black Flight to strengthen their scales to be as hard as rock to take hits.
Why is Evoker tanking so “out there”? Where is this resistance coming from? I love Devastation and Preservation but I’d also like to be able to tank on my Dracthyr as an Evoker - NOT a Warrior or Paladin or w/e.
I mean… A “Mage-Tank” or a “Lock-Tank” might not be a bad perspective for blizzard to look at on this one.
Ebon Cleave (Primary Builder - Instant Cast) - Cleave the target with the essence of the Ebon Dragonflight, dealing “X” Fire damage.
Vulkanizing Blast (Primary Spender - 2 Essence - 1.5s Cast Time) - Bursts shards of Magma from the target, sundering their physical form causing “X” Fire damage to the primary target and 50% of that to all additional nearby targets. Applies searing weakness to all enemies affected, increasing spell damage by 3% for 6 seconds. (Does not stack) Reduced effectiveness beyond 5 targets.
Fragmented Barrier (Empower Spell) - Deals “X” damage to enemies when hit and reduces incoming damage from all sources by 25% + Mastery for (%Time based on charge) seconds. (Reduced by talent when Spender spell cast) Imagine your Primary source of defense, only more dragon’ey… let it drop, and you squish… Keep it rolling and you don’t…
Eruptive Stomp (Empower Spell) - Charge up and stomp the ground dealing “X” damage to all enemies in a 15 yard radius, and leaving a fissure that deals burning damage for “Y” over (%Time based on charge) seconds. Causes a high amount of Threat. (Reduced by talent when Spender spell cast) Imagine consecrate, but more dragon’ey…
Anyone complaining about size and type are just trolling. They’ve never seen a Gnome/Vulpera Warrior before.
If someone wants to run with this a bit further, might be good for someone who is better than I am at theorycrafting.
Since Masteries tend to be X% this or that, I think the Mastery could be something like this, “Hardens your scales to rock and offensively shapes them, increasing armor by X% + thorns damage by X%.” We would have thorns dmg by default, or maybe it’s mixed into some different abilities, like what you suggested for Fragmented Barrier, and buffs.
CC Ability Ideas:
Quicksand - “Enemies are rooted for 3 seconds and then have 50% reduced move speed for another 3 seconds.”
Crystallization - “Enemy is stunned for 3 seconds.”
Defensive Ability Ideas:
Compaction - “Your scales harden to extreme levels, reducing damage by X%. 1.5m CD, 2 charges.”
Earthen Wall/Rock Wall - “Summon a wall of earth to shield your allies from aoe dmg.” This is REALLY COOL. Why? Because every time we’ve seen something like this, it’s a mechanic. Now we get to place it! Of course you have abilities like Disc’s Bubble and DK’s AMZ but those are easy set it and forget it bubbles. Directionally placing a wall would be great and really add to the theme of the spec + it’s something that would definitely differentiate good players from bad. In order to be on par with the above abilities though, it probably shouldn’t effect LoS, or if it did, then it should reduce even more dmg than either Disc or DK bubbles to make up for the LoS issue.
In order to place the wall, once selected you press R to rotate it, left click to place it, and right click to cancel if needed.
Damage Ability Ideas:
Spike-plosion - “Expel Stalagmites from your body (built up from your mastery) and deal X damage + slowing enemies by 25%.”
Magma Pit/Chamber - “AOE Ability, Deals X damage and slows by 25%.”
Since this type of Evoker is all about the Earth, Earthen spells will either be defensive, or tend to deal aoe dmg and have a weakness/slowing effect to them.
I’m sure I’ll add to this as I think of things, but I feel like we’ve got a good foundation to build from here!