Evoker set look

People are voting for season 1??? It doesn’t even look like a tier set!


Dunno how Season 1 is getting so many more votes tbh. Season 2 is EASILY the best Evoker set so far. Really hope it wins.


Does it even matter when they constantly make it so the colours don’t even match the dracthyr armours that are our only options in dracthyr form? :frowning:

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Surprised no one seems to like 3, I love it! Although, I kinda love em all!


Why are people voting on season 1….season 2 clearly way better, it’s exciting and stands out more compared to s1 and s3

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Why is season 1 winning? Like the coolest part is/was the Dragon boots.

At least season 3 is legitimately Nozdormu’s outfit.

Personally I like S2 the best for the Dragon Knight feel and the shoulders.


Lets be honest. It doesnt matter since we cant see it in dragon form.

season 1 set for evoker is meh.

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I’d really like season 2, season 1 is just some rocks. Either way I started playing augevoker in S3 so as long as we dont get season 3 appearance its a win.

Iirc Gnarlroot drops a chest piece that uses the Evoker tier model without the robe part. You can just transmog that with the rest of the tier.

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stop being lazy and make a whole new set! c’mon guys!!!

Voted season 1 but to be perfectly honest they all kinda sucked and idc which wins. The curse of ugly mail gear certainly continues in Dragonflight.

I’m voting for season 1 purely because it’s the oldest and least likely for any given player to have completed.


We aren’t voting for the best looking mog, we are voting to get another chance at acquiring the mogs we missed. Season 1 gear was harder to acquire mogs for since it didn’t have the crest upgrade system.


Pretty sure they mean the same style, but different colors. It wouldn’t make sense to re-use the same colors. Meaning they’d all still be new recolors.

I cant believe people are voting for season 1. Season 2 look is way way way better.


The S1 votes have got to be troll votes, I swear.


Correct! You can also get pants from the Curio iirc, or the Catalyst if you don’t want a robe.

You guys in here saying that it’s not going to be a chance to collect old mogs because they’re going to do 4 (6 if you count PVP) more recolors for each class’ tier set for a fated patch are really optimistic. (Plus the original colors are still going to drop as non-tier mail.) Ofc blizzard could have cleared that up by specifying in the initial posts but…can’t ever be that easy.

This isn’t about which set looks best, it’s about which set people need more access to for collection/transmog purposes. Because if you already have the s1-3 tier, just mog it over the s4 drops with whichever appearance you want to go with. Realistically most evokers probably need the s1 appearances because there were so many fewer of us around in vault as aug didn’t exist yet. But ofc people can’t see past their, “NO MY TASTE IS BEST” tribalism to actually vote for something that benefits other people.


I think this is slightly missing the point.

Dracthyr get two visible components to their tier set currently, and with season 3 it’s not even that it’s just the shoulders because apparently that wasn’t worth incorporating except for the elf form which should be a side thing.

How about the option to have at least the tier set for the class actually show on Dracthyr?

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