Evoker Random gray action bar

Having the same issue, it seems to happen when the Fire Breath is on level on or the Eternity Surge is level 1, but if you do them at level 3 it does not seem to happen

Same prob. I can still cast the spells thou

Same issue! Not fixed yet… very annoying

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It seems to be caused by empowered spells. Typically when your target dies or the spell cancels without going off.

Bump - same issue. I am not using macros only keybind with shift.

I’m also having this issue. I’m overall a newer player, so I have zero addon’s and I don’t use macro’s.

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Still broken for me as well. Screws up my rotation big time because I can never tell what spell is ready.
Also, My wing spell effects are broken. I’m pretty certain they’re supposed to glow with different effects when you use empowered spells. Mine won’t but I can see others do glow using the same spells. Very disappointed. Too many bugs.
Went back to my DH while I wait for the hot fixes.


Still have this problem. Even tried other Ui’s they still grey out as if your to far away from target…

You would think a fix would be here with less then a week to go for the big launch.


Happens randomly during combat. The buttons all still work as normal though. But it is annoying.

(post deleted by author)

Bug: Spam pressing empower abilities will grey out bars (more than likely your bars are greying out while using Tip the Scales and spam pressing an empower ability or when you’re using an empower ability right after another.)

Fix: Not spamming the ability will return bars to normal state.

So I’m assuming any charge ability with a similar state as the empower abilities can cause this issue.

Temp fix:

/cast !Eternity Surge
/cast Eternity Surge

Same macro for Fire Breath.

This macro seems to prevent the bug from occurring if you spam the button. This macro also makes it so you don’t have to hold the key down, and if you want it to stop at a specific point, you press the key again. There is probably a better way; this is the best way I’ve thought of so far.


BUMP! Can we get a blue post to this very common issue? This is crazy! I’m constantly dealing with my entire action bar being greyed out and Spiritbloom/Dream Breath saying “Spell not learned”

reloadui doesn’t work, swapping specs doesn’t work, but logging out and back in will temporarily fix this.


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Posting to bump. Also experiencing this. Really poor gameplay experience on evoker due to it. All spells greyed out or Disintegrate/Pyre lighting up forever.

Also happening here. No macros, no UI addons (no addons at all also tested).

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Bumping this. Even without macros, addons, or Tip the Scales, I get this issue.
Pokemmo’s macros above for channeled spells seem to help.

/cast !Eternity Surge
/cast Eternity Surge

Same for fire breath.

Edit: They seem to help, but not 100% of the time.

Its greying out for me - please fix this!!!

How is this still an issue??? Between this, the Eternity Surge cast bar resetting while being cast, and the spells looking like they’re off CD when are down. This is so unplayable.

This is such a PITA… Bliz, why on earth can you not have QA on your work to catch things like this?

Its really a problem in raid because all of a sudden you see none of your skill available to you. Panic city when facing a massive boss damage issue.

Adding that it’s ruining Solo Queue for me. Obviously in arena, knowing the absolute moment something is off of cooldown is often the difference between a win or loss. Evokers are freaking awesome but this bug is wrecking the experience.

It happened to me multiple times in dungeon when I was knocked away while casting. I had to cast empowered spell to restore the action bar.