Evoker nurf when?

Actually I main dragon. I’m the one who one shot you, git gud nerd.


lol well there are your true colors at least meta chasing man child that cries whenever people want a balanced game because you’re not good enough to win with any actual skill and nowhere did I say I got one shot XD you just have to make stuff up to feel good about yourself.

you’re projecting

so you simultaneously defend ret paladin by calling people screaming crying children and then turn around and call people crying man children for defending a different spec thats nowhere near as egregious as ret was.


I mean, its pretty obvious you’re just trolling since you got called out immediately.


you can’t claim I got called out when you are the only one saying anything hahahaha and nowhere did I defend paladin but also yes people screamed and cried on the forums it was funny AF I 100% said paladin where overturned that is why I didn’t play mine till after the nurf XD but go on with your excuses and bull bud

That’s the last I’m going to say on the matter, I’d rather get trolled by Biebz. at least they are occasionally funny.


again, that was after multiple nurfs XD you really can’t prove anything without trying to take it out of context HAHAHA you are the only one trolling dude you clearly hate when someone addresses an obvious problem because you very obviously like to abuse said problems at least be honest with yourself and everyone else bud.


ya you are wrong, so you are running away hahaha so typical.

Cringe language: Check

Use of emojis: Check

Evidence that WoW is far and away the biggest thing you have going on in your life: Check

Disproven easily: Check

Telltale signs of a terrible troll.


so people can’t use emojis and stuff uh oh internet police are here haha I guess you have no real way to defend so you just attack :wink: also where was i disproven?

Lmao no shot are you actually this dense. Battlecruiser destroyed literally every single thing you said. And all you can come up with is “hurr durr my buddy said im right”


This hurt to read, just reroll at this point. Battlecruisr legit demolished you and all we could read is “aahhahaha u wrong im skill pro max u lie”


where? he did nothing but attack and point a finger like a child XD just because yall can’t admit the truth doesn’t make the truth wrong lol and just claiming people are “dense” because you have no real leg to stand on it just sad and childish also nowhere did i say u wrong im skill pro max u lie XD why make stuff up?

Is this just a vent post or do you actually want some constructive criticism? Because if so we need more than what you are presenting to provide some help there friend. Like what actually happened? Where did the bad dragon touch you?


this isn’t a vent post I don’t understand why they can one shot two people so damn fast with insta cast abilities while being immune to cc

Because they have zero sustained damage, and theyre the squishiest class in the game. They either one shot people due to the mastery, or theyre undertuned and completely worthless. Theyre not possible to balance in pvp due to how the mastery works. Also, battlecruiser absolutely eviscerated you


you are kidding right?

The only time I will ever one shot a person is if they are severely under geared when compared to me. This is true for every class though. Evokers will begin to glow when they have Tip the Scales chambered, which is an indication that big instant burst is on the way.

Also, Evokers’ biggest burst comes in the form of Empowered spells which can all be LoS. No way an Evoker took you from 100-0 with one rotation unless you just stood there doing nothing. If you pop one defensive there is no way you are getting one shot unless there are other sources of damage coming in as well.

Hope that helps!

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your experience is not everyone’s experience and no he did not kill us be he almost did in one ability I wish Ie had recorded it but there is no reason a class should be hitting you to below 10% health in one ability this isn’t run and gun COD