We are a smaller guild with a more casual attitude, so we tend to lose people who don’t like the pace we progress and we understand that but it means that anytime we have had a spare tank they move on after a while. So finding one that would mesh with how we as a guild are can be harder than just grabbing the first one to sign up that looks good.
If people say more tank specs will engage more tanks for Dungeons, it is exactly the same situation for every other role, or is it not?
Are you daft? How many people are going to play a human/dragon race that can only be ranged and only play 1 class.
You are actually assuming that what every single ranged player will just switch to this race…
This is a very small niche that this race/class will be fitting.
An enormous amount? I would be willing to bet that over 99% of people who buy Dragonflight will make at least Evoker, because why wouldn’t they?
No? That would be a stupid assumption. And it shouldn’t be the goal either. Did every single person switch to monk in MoP?
Some people will main evokers as dps, some will main as a healer. I don’t think anybody wants to see every single group made of nothing but Evokers. That would be stupid.
There is not a single reason that you have been able to provide for why they should have a tank spec besides “I want one”.
I don’t know if you have something you would love to see implemented in the game, but if you do I hope access to it and your playstyle aren’t barred to you.
I think the constant “we need” in this forums is a bit overblown.
That’s nice of you.
Nothing is barred to you. If you choose to only play one role in this game, that’s on you.
If you’re currently “locked out” of playing the many classes already in game that can’t tank, what’s one more?
I guess I need to make it my signature line for right now but
I don’t want to play the class I want to play the race, if Evokers cannot tank that’s fine but let me be a Dragonman
Edit: I know I can just alt it, but unless they are making alting a lot less grindy then it’ll be another hit cap and sit around till expansion end alt.
Well, fortunately for you, this just in today:
I hope so that alone would make this expansion up in my top 5
And see how few play monk. Evoker will be even less then that because of how niche and restricted they are.
People will make 1 then completely forget about playing it a quickly after.
Also you aren’t paying attention too what I have been saying. I’m saying this race and spec will be completely irrelevant since the RACE AND SPEC ARE LOCKED TOGETHER. Something the community as a whole has been against.
This wouldn’t be a problem if the dragons could play other classes, but since they can’t, they should be able too fill every role
What reasons are there to gate a whole race to 1 specific class then also on top of that not allow them to have more then just 2 spec. What reason is there too restrict soo heavily one of the biggest additions this game has had in a very long time.
You keep saying stuff like this. I assume you have numbers to back up these claims?
I’ve proposed a baked together class/race as the only option for playable dragons for years. Glad to see that Blizzard agreed.
They said they’d be open to giving the race more class options in the future.
They explained that right now wouldn’t make any sense because they’ve been locked away for 10,000 years and only know the magic they were born with. After this expansion, it’s possible they can learn how to be a warrior, rogue, etc.
Blizzard just being Blizzard and doing everything as half*&^ as possible, this is nothing new, so of course they wont be giving us a tank spec because the minimum amount of specs they can do for a class is 2, so that’s all they care to do.
You can see practically everywhere people don’t like the restrictions this game has. Race, customization, classes, specs, talents.
Also again why should they restrict a race this hard. At that point why not restrict more races based on what ever arbitrary reasoning?
What is to benefit from restricting a race too 1 class that can’t even take on all the roles the game has too offer?
Well there could easily say, " with them incountering the horde and alliance they learned be talking too class trainers" or something like that.
They did in the past, and as time went on and as the plot progressed, races were able to become more classes because it made sense.
They’re a bit behind on it because Night Elf Paladins for instance, but they do it because of story.
I mean, not every new class has to take on all the roles. Death knight can only be DPS/Tank, DH can only be DPS/Tank, I don’t think it’s that bad that Evoker can only be DPS/Heals.
They’re open to letting Dracthyr be more classes in the future though.
Takes more than that to learn an entire class… I’d imagine you need years of training to become a class in WoW. You don’t just talk to a trainer and learn it in a day lore wise.
It needs a melee tank spec imo.
Difference with this is that you can atleast play a night elf is that they can bee more then just dh.
The race itself shouldn’t just be immediately locked, doing soo is just a cash grab for those that will just race change.
They can simply add in lore while questing that could explain the reason as to why they are able to pick from the start of the expansion
Blizzard doesnt make enough money to give us 3 specs