Evoker needs a third spec

Blizzard’s new Evoker class is awesome. I have no problem with caster DPS and healing, but it seriously needs a melee tank spec.

First of all, full hybrid classes like druid and paladin are great for queues.

Second, how can Blizzard justify not giving dragons a melee spec? Dragons in every single fantasy setting that I know of blow fire and have huge muscles. They have tails, teeth, and claws that can maim anything. If a druid can tank as bear or feral, why can an Evoker not get a tank or melee DPS spec (preferably tank)?

I want the community’s idea on this.


Probably because every new class so far has only been melee. They probably wanted this new class to be ranged only because of that.


Hell I just want to be able to tank on a Dracthyr at all.


Easily, because Drac’thyr are not dragons.


I see claws, I see sharp teeth, I see fire-breathing. Looks like a dragon, or at least a half-dragon.

That is just in from the Twitter talk

Dracthyr Tank spec is unlikely. This is a spellcaster class at its core.


Well, it’s not.

That is pretty much what they said, because everyone has had melee before. There have not been any new caster DPS though.

If we can’t play the race as other classes then they should be able too atleast doo all 3 roles.


Then simply just add the tank spec aswell what’s the problem with that?

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Because of excuses.

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It might have a third spec, they havent said it doesnt have a third spec.

I also agree with that, neat new Dragon race to play…FU melee and tanks… ya, not well thought out IMO on Blizz’s part.

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Because every… single… added… class… has been melee. It’s OKAY for a casters/ranged to get some love too guys!! It’s OKAY!!!

Utilizing their claws will be part of the dps spec. They’ve shown that already. I don’t think we’re ever going to have a spec in WoW where we’re going to have a rotation of gnawing and chomping on the enemy though…

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I’m glad they are finally adding a ranged only hero class. It’s not like we don’t have enough druids, dk’s, warriors, monks, oh, and did I mention Demon hunters that can tank. Play one of those op. Oh wait :rofl:

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So how many threads are we going to see saying the exact same thing?

Just wondering.

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OK soo they don’t need to specifically just be ranged. They can add a tank spec that deals in both melee and ranged type attacks.
Really if they can ONLY be 1 class then they should be able too preform every role.


I agree to a point on what you said… BUT…

The problem is the Dragon race ONLY being ranged when there are melee and tanks that would probably want to play it too. The least they could have done is made it so the dragons to be a couple other specs. It is quite a new change to wow that melee will absolutely have to miss out on.

The playerbase is oversaturated with melee already.