Evoker Melee Spec brainstorm

I will literally only ever cave if the drake form animations actually make use of the physicality of being a dragon. As I fully expect they won’t, this might as well be saying I will never stop asking.


When they were datamining aug abilities i was so excited cuz i thought they resembled tank abilities. But boy was i disappointed lol

Maybe at some point the titans give us the ability to take on true dragon forms like the dragon aspects. It could work so i wouldnt stop asking. I always thought it wouldve been cool to have a class based on that idea.

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Oh same, I remember distinctly thinking when the term Augmentation got datamined “huh weird spec name for a tank”. I remember reading through the official post and being astounded at how disappointed I was


Yea i think aug will get reworked eventually

To back up your claim Emberthal in the novel uses a polearm, she flies through the air tearing through wing membrane of multiple dragons and even was wielding this weapon when she was about to finish off Razsageth in the novel.

( yes Emberthal psuedo solo’d Razsageth and showed zero signs of being a augmentation Evoker in the novel)


Are you sure this is just a Drakthyr and not an Evoker? They’re two different things.