Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

I am not worried about being best in slot. I am worried about the class designers assuming that you have the on-equip effect to make Augmentation rotation work. The way it was for Marksmanship Hunters with the Sylvanas bow and Beast Mastery Hunters with the Raszageth bow.


You could always reroll to Guardian Druid, then you’re guaranteed to play a spec that doesn’t work, and with no legendary to save it.

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That would be a silly assumption to make if they overtly designed to only make it available from a capstone feat.

this isnt sylvannas bow.

this isnt any previous legendary either.

100% of players are able to get it.

You aren’t special in a game with millions of players.

More News at 11.


its still a legendary weapon. As long as it isnt a legion “legenary” and drops off a boss in some form, and is orange, its a legendary. And no legendary has been locked before from players below highest difficulty.

Only technically correct. You know full well that very, very few are actually capable, whether it be due to time commitments or outright skill.

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Is it really multiple rare drops on rare drops + mythic only. Off putting to the max

nope, just a fact. every player could get the leggo if they really want to. its for 100% of the playerbase.

sounds like every iteration of legendaries has been different, so attempting to hold this one to any consistency doesnt hold any water here.

legendaries have constantly been reimagined and implemented in different ways. it is silly to act as if there is a consistent pattern after two decades of inconsistent acquisition.

this one is from mythic raid.

Now you’ve transitioned to simply being wrong instead of technically correct.


Stupid decision.

It would be odd if it stuck. This would not be in line with the majority of Dragonflight development philosophy.

But should it change, for future reference, they should have a fluff piece ready to go about the legendary and it’s acquisition the moment they get the first drop revealed.

I wouldn’t be surprised.
Blizzard’s team is kind of a toss up of people with ideas that have no idea what to do anymore so they throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks.

They changed I think a manuscript [dragonriding] thing so it dropped in lower difficulties after some commotion… not sure why they’d keep this at mythic also for a race that I bet little % play [no offense].

I don’t care 'cause I don’t play dracthyr but they really need to get a clue and read the room if this ends up sticking.

That’s it precisely. They need to learn from their own successes. People are responding well to Dragonflight for a myriad of reasons. Regressive decisions like this (might be) are not among those reasons.

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It’s not even regressive, this is the most exclusive legendary ever

True. It’s philosophically regressive.

I just wonder what their thought was where your avg joe has no chance of even trying for it.

Even the something like Naxx or Sunwell your avg joe could at least TRY to get it, mythic is insurmountable for many people.

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Here’s a bit of info on how this works:

Once Scalecommander Sarkareth has been defeated for the first time on Mythic difficulty, the Cracked Titan Gem item that begins a Legendary weapon questline for Evokers will have a chance to drop from Scalecommander Sarkareth on all difficulties after the weekly reset in the region that he’s been defeated in. The item will be very rare on Raid Finder difficulty (when available) and slightly increases in drop rate with each difficulty.


So if you’re on a dead server, or one that doesn’t do mythic that much you don’t get it still? This doesn’t seem fair lol. I’m sorry but this isn’t the way to compromise. :frowning:

Edit: realize j misread. Phew :heart:


If it’s region wide, just need a US guild to defeat mythic. Doesn’t matter if they’re on your server.

Edit: didn’t realize Liquid is a US guild and already cleared. I guess the quest starter will have a chance to drop on all difficulties starting tomorrow.