Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

I logged in today looking forward to go through the new quest lines and seeing where the story was going. I then pugged for an hour and a half before I found a group that could kill Sarkareth before falling apart, and recieved BLP stack #9.

Logged out right after that. The whole experience was so souring that I don’t even care about the new quests right now. Going back to BG3 to play something with a lot of story that also doesn’t punch me in the gut every week.


the evil is finally defeated.



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Week 11 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
16 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 9

1st Alt:
11 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 9

2nd alt:
12 LFR
Bad luck protection stack: 0

After this week, i’m considering not trying on my alt anymore. I don’t want to have to regrind my professions (especially being so far behind on knowledge) or refarm my reps in order to make him my new main. It’s also getting more and more painful trying to pug each week as the pool of good players still pugging feels like it’s drying up.

On the bright side, our guild had a pot going for who would be the last evoker to not have their legendary. I bet on myself, and that pot paid out today after one of our regular puggers got his gem. I may not have the gem yet, but at least i’m 17.5k richer. Small victories, I guess.

Just got BLP stack #10 on my main. Sigh.

It’s almost like Blizzard doesn’t care about players time being wasted :man_shrugging:

This legendary item alone has made me lose faith in Blizzard actually changing like they claim they have. This is a legion legendary item with a quest added after you finally get it to drop as the only difference.

It’s not almost like that — it’s definitely like that. Player time wasted = more time in their game. Win-win for them, as long as those players are back next month with their tithe for WoW coffers.

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I left in legion because of dumb decisions like this legendary.

Came back in season 1 of DF since it seemed like they actually learned. No crazy chase systems, clear cut loot. The only part I didn’t like was the “very rare” drops, but those items were not major upgrades over other items for the most part.

Then comes season 2, with another legion legendary, and the same mistakes that came with it.

Honestly, I think I might just sit the rest of this expansion out. Too many poor decisions and lack of changes to make the game fun.

Made a post in hopes of Blizzard understanding and acknowledging the way many evokers feel in this, and hopefully fixing it, but they just don’t care at all.

Edit: adding context for the season 1 part as to why I enjoyed it.

If i had to guess, they made it this way because of ‘nostaliga’ drops like Eye of Rag and Bindings of the Windseeker. I feel like they’re drawing on old-school lore and nostalgia a lot for this expac, so it really wouldn’t surprise me if this wasn’t at least part of why they chose this method.

The problem with that (to me, at least) is that Hand of Rag and (Did Someone Say) Thunderfury were neat little side items that were extra lore. This legendary, however, is tied deeply into the lore of the Dracthyr, and the storyline feels unfinished without the legendary chain to wrap up the loose ends with Nelth’s mind-control gauntlet.

As someone that does get wrapped up in the lore, it sucks that this vital piece of the Dracthyr storyline-- something that ties directly into how and why they even exist-- has a bunch of quests that you can’t even experience without getting extremely lucky. Until I get the drop, I can’t look forward to Dracthyr questlines that follow in patch 10.2 either, because i feel like the story will have moved on wihtout me despite me wanting to participate. I get it if you don’t kill some boss and future quests treat you as such, but this is something I want to do but can’t because of RNG.

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How does this bad luck protection work? This guy is not my main so I only do normal sometimes.

I actually have not even spoiled the questline itself because I assumed Blizzard would have stepped in and fixed this RNG drop already.

I now will not be able to see, or experience the storyline, but I also will not be able to use it next patch since it will be replaced.

That’s the funny part, we don’t know!

We are just told we have a higher chance to get it after you kill heroic or mythic Sark, but we do not have numbers.

from what we’ve been told, if you kill Sark on H or M difficulty, you get a ‘stack’ of bad luck protection. We’re also not sure on the numbers, so it’s hard to say how much of an impact it has, but Blizzard did say that it is supposedly a faster growth rate to compensate for not having it since the beginning of the tier.

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Since the season ends soonish really should be like if you are an evoker and haven’t got the quest item, it should just drop. What is even the point on gating evokers from their legendary now?


The hope Blizzard will do the right thing and make it upgradeable next patch, since a legendary should last more than 1 season, and the fact it would have been BIS next season if not for the IL changes they are doing.

Just like with this legendary though, I’m not going to count on Blizzard doing the right thing here.

I’ve killed it every week on heroic since bad luck protection was added, just got CE for the first time, and me and the guilds other three evokers don’t have it yet. Not really sure why they bother adding legendaries at all.

On the bright side though, since I did get CE and it still hasn’t dropped, I can just vendor the gem if it drops lmao.


Yeah at this point seriously screw blizz.

Simple. Kill sarkareth on heroic or mythic every week(if mythic skip heroic) and a base % chance for it to drop adds to drop chance permanently. Thats it. We do not know the % chance that gets added after a kill however, they will never tell us that.

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I do wish Blizzard would at least say what the BLP does (as in what % it helps).


I feel like the % is not nothing. Had two of us in our raid get it on the same kill, and i had gotten it two weeks before.

Unless i witnessed a lightning strike

I was curious and did the math for my kills using a 1% drop chance on heroic and a 2% increase per BLP.

I feel like this is about right, based on the number of gems i’ve seen drop for the past 6 weeks or so for the large amount of evokers in the pug raids ive joined, but it also would mean that across two characters and counting only the time since BLP was introduced, i would have had a 89% chance to have gotten it by now on at least one.