Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

You got this! Just keep at it!

I thought of giving up but it can happen! There’s drop protection now on heroic and higher so if you can do heroic each week that’s your highest chance.

another week, no drop.

8+ evokers, including me, in a pug
no drops.

So it IS a legendary weapon, I was told it was an “artifact weapon” and legendary weapons only happened in Leigon.

Another week, 6 evokers and no drops…

Man, I’m telling you… this better have the option to recraft to a higher item level when the new season comes, because at this rate I’ll get it at the end of this season.

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Week 9 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
14 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 7

1st Alt:
9 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 7

2nd alt:
10 LFR
Bad luck protection stack: 0

Last week, on the heroic Sark kill, the group had a 30 man raid with 15 evokers, no lego drops.

This week, the raid comp was 30 man raid with 14 evokers, no lego item drops.

Let’s see what next week brings. Next week will be my 4th heroic attempt on my aug.

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Another week. Dozen evokers. One drop. If I wasnt subbed for multiple months I would unsub. This is just ridiculous.

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Dozen evokers in your raid or are you playing that many evokers to try and get it?

Another week, been doing this since the beginning, 5 evokers in raid, not a single drop. THIS IS SO F***ING FRUSTRATING!!

Don’t worry, in interviews promoting the next expansion, Ion will admit their approach to the Evoker legendary drop wasn’t handled the best, and that they’ve learned valuable lessons for the future.

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Just like they did with flying, yet pathfinder continued, they carried over anima being unable to just click to use, currencies, ap, etc, etc.

Dozen in the raid.

Week 10 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
15 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 8

1st Alt:
10 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 8

2nd alt:
11 LFR
Bad luck protection stack: 0


12 Evokers today, only 1 legendary…

Yeah I’ve just hit the last phase of my grief. I’ve accepted it. Blizzard isn’t changing it, they’ve ignored the feedback. They’ve moved on. If you don’t have it, we just have to deal with it and move on.

It sucks, I want to experience the story, I wanted to have the legendary really badly. But theres nothing else we can do and honestly if you get a really high ilvl m+ weapon or m raid weapon from next tier it’ll likely be about comparable. I just hope high end evokers don’t lose raid spots over it, cause that would suck for them.

Yeah Im done. This is just ridiculous. Thanks for “listening to feedback” blizzard. Yall suck.

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Yeah, if I reach 10.2, without it I will just unsub and focus on BG3. I am not getting my spot on the raid jeopardized just because some BS drop rate.

Also, Ion admitted it “wasn’t handled the best”, to put it midly, but I am still waiting on the solution they want to implement. Admiting a mistake is step 1, but without a fix, it’s worthless, just a PR move.


The terrible drop rates are by design - they are not a mistake or something they honestly regret.

Anyone who believes Blizzard made a mistake or lost oversight and that they truly regret the outcome is being delusional.

Terrible drop rates on overpowered and desirable items are a tool Blizzard uses to keep players chasing after those items for weeks, months, and years.

They have been doing this for nearly two decades now, why would anyone think they are going to change their ways?