Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

This would be extremely unlikely if their goal is to get it into more people’s hands. We can make a reasonable assumption that they expect anyone continually trying to have it before season 3.

This is good. Mythic raiders deserve it before heroic raiders, who deserve it before normal raiders, who surely deserve it before the LFR crowd.

Week 8 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
13 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 6

1st Alt:
8 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack for next week: 6

2nd alt:
Bad luck protection stack: 0

Still rooting for you. I got screwed this week on the Fragment drops and missed getting mine finished. Did all of LFR and got 0 drops at all. Was so sad.

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I appreciate that :slight_smile:

And sorry to hear you didn’t get your mats for yours quite yet. At least you’re pretty much guaranteed after reset this week, right?

Should be only need 12 Ancient Elementium Fragments.

I don’t know your server but in a bit of good news it only cost me around 140k g for the mats for everything.

i already stocked up on the mats i need outside of the quest-only ones, which is probably why the game is torturing me; I had the audacity to prepare for getting the drop before i actually had it :stuck_out_tongue:

on my main at least. That’s also why i’m convinced i’m going to get it on an alt first. (if I get it at all)

Well here is hoping you do.

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Two gems dropped out of a 12-evoker raid this week with 6 weeks of BLP. One of them was to my evoker, yay.

Another week another middle finger from blizz. A dozen evokers and 1 drop…


Be thankful you have a % chance increase every week. Hunters sure didnt with sylvannas.

Why not just make it a low drop rate across the board and require 2 parts to obtain the quest just like Thunderfury was back in vanilla?

If it didnt require a long and expensive quest chain after the drop I would be fine with no bad luck protection. It having both is my problem.

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That is just awful. Im glad they do not do that anymore.

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“The implementation with my legendary was bad SO YOURS SHOULD BE TOO!!!”

Seriously? Ontop of that the hunter bow wasn’t bis the entire next tier. This legendary is bis for our entire next tier.

There will be mythic raiders who dont get raid spots b/c they dont have this god forsaken stupid legendary. Just what Ion said they didn’t want, it’s going to happen.

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That would be a good idea - legendary items should be mythic only. They are supposed to be legendary and rare - not junk dropping in LFR.

Or realize that legendaries have no place in the modern version of wow. Classic is there for you if you wanna go re-live that garbage :).

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Non issue - make it so rare the player base can’t expect you to have it but increase its power even more

The unfortunate issue is that the player base ruins the game demanding cutthroat efficiency and perfect rotations.

Not off the last boss!

That’s like at that point why run everything?

But hey i got mine out of H so I’m happy.

They won’t listen to us, I really don’t know what else to do but just give up and quit. This is so god awful and depressing.