Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Welcome to Hunters in Shadowlands.

I never got the bow.

Just have an alt to save lock out on last boss

3 mount drops 4 cloaks and 0 legendaries for a guild that has killed normal/heroic sark(we have evoker alts in the normal run that arenā€™t in the heroic one) weekly for almost the whole patch. Its actually kind of insulting how low that drop rate has been anecdotally. Always at least 2 evokers per sark kill on each difficulty too.

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Week 6 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
11 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 4

1st Alt:
6 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 4

2nd alt:
Bad luck protection stack: 0

3rd alt:
still levelling, cannot raid yet (BG3 came out so i havenā€™t played much WoW)

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10 evokers, 0 drops in this weekā€™s Heroic kill, all with max BLP of 4. Lol.

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Another week without drop. 7 Evokers on raid, not a single item.
Itā€™s so frustrating coming week after week trying to get the item that just begins the quest (you still need to craft it).

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Soooā€¦ are we sureā€¦ that the bad luck protection even works???


Asking the right question!

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I meanā€¦ surelyā€¦ Blizzard has checked to see if it worksā€¦ something that the average player canā€™t find out if it really works.

Itā€™s probably +1-2% each week

I am getting so damn tired of killing this boss. Have killed it every week on normal and heroic since legendary unlocked and on lfr once it unlocked and nothing. Not to mention if I ever do get it how expensive the craft is going to be. Ugh this legendary acquisition is just plain awful.


My guilds getting tried of killing the boss I really hope it drops soon.


Doing something for 3 months straight and expecting the outcome to be different.

The developers are silent. The only thing we got is bad luck protection, which may not even workā€¦ and then Ion comes along and says ā€œI think lessons learned.ā€ which was not the first time and certainly not the last.

Iā€™ve been doing normal, heroic and now LFR since the first week or soā€¦ today I saw my first Cracked Gemā€¦ other than the picture and videoā€¦ and it was in LFR for someone who didnā€™t even have 400ilvl.

ā€¦and manā€¦ donā€™t even get me started on how many times Iā€™ve seen ā€œA triumphant roar echoes from atop the Seat of the Aspects as Naszā€™uro, the Unbound Legacy, is formed.ā€

ā€¦and just to be clearā€¦ this is not a complaintā€¦ this is an experience.

two of us in the guild had 4 weeks of BLP.
4 w e e k s
none of us got it this week.
this is a lie LOL

oh my how did you ever get your blp so high

Week 7 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
12 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 5

1st Alt:
7 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 5

2nd alt:
Bad luck protection stack: 0

(gave up on 3rd alt, dont feel like levelling, would rather play BG3)

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Donā€™t want to discount anything youā€™re trying to document, but itā€™s worth mentioning that this is the 5th reset since the bad luck protection was added. As a result, your kills this week only include 4 killsā€™ worth of bad luck protection, not 5.

yeah, meant it as ā€œmy bad luck protection is now 5,ā€ not ā€œi had 5 stacks with my most recent kill.ā€ I could probably make that clearer.

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bad luck protection is a myth. if it was implemented then you never get a drop means you were banned from getting that drop.

Would be nice to see a blizz programmer spill the beans on secrets done against players


Wtf? So I need to kill Sark on Mythic to even start? My guild is not mythic standard. The decision they make really make me think they have no brain.