Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Bad Luck Protection Added to Legendary Evoker Weapon in Patch 10.1.5 - Nas’zuro, the Unbound Legacy - Wowhead News

There is now.


What about PVP evokers? Legendary is BIS for us too :frowning:, would be nice if we didn’t have to PVE for BIS, maybe make the legendary worse in PVP?

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If that bad luck protection isn’t retroactive it’s still a pretty majorly dropped ball.

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I am so tired, Malfurion.

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Not for me. I don’t run Heroic or Mythic. lol

Oh well. I just don’t care enough. :slight_smile:

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Thank you blizzard for listening to our feedback. This was a great decision and I’m glad you did act on it.

It is greatly appreciated and such an insane relief to know I can get it if I just keep doing sark.


… duh …

I hope someone from Blizzard reads this… because it’s obvious to anyone with common sense that this is how it was supposed to be from the beginning.

… duh … 2x

Yeah, would like some confirmation on this. It should have been an obvious question to cover up-front.


Just did Heroic Sark on my evoker in a raid with 17 evokers and we didn’t see a gem drop. It’s anecdote of course but leans in the direction of this BLP change not being retroactive.

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0/11 here.

The buff automatically targets you first. so 2528 int. 447 is still 1848

Week 3 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
8 heroic, 3 normal

1st Alt:
3 Heroic, 1 normal

2nd alt:

Indeed, but fixes like this are extremely rare to be retroactive. In fact, I expected it wouldn’t be. Blizzard doesn’t like to do that because it would otherwise guarantee a much higher chance of loot for the people who did it in the past.

8 Void-Touched Curios and no gem. I’m literally deleting them at this point. Have done 10 heroic runs and have yet to see one drop.

1/51 (within 3 weeks.)

Week 4 of recording my kills:

Main Evoker (this guy):
9 heroic, 3 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 2

1st Alt:
4 Heroic, 1 normal
Bad luck protection stack: 2

2nd alt:
Bad luck protection stack: 0

Just pugged this week’s kill on my main. 8 evokers, 2 cracked gems, neither were mine. Happy for the others, sad for myself. Looking like the bad-luck protection might be kicking in now, at least.

i dont want to tell you how many my guild has seen on heroic >.>

Let me guess. Must be level 70. Must be a certain ilvl to start that quest and the quest will be very short lived so only the elite who play WOW 24/7 can attain it.

They clearly stated the buff was not retroactive and that it would be a higher blp % because it was not retroactive for kills going forward.

I’m 0 for 3 post-blp (so this week was 2 weeks of blp), so supposedly my blp should be adding up. Doesn’t help I get to see multiple other people get them each week.

I was happy they added blp, but I am not going to lie, after now almost 3 months of not getting the legendary I am exhausted and frustrated, and don’t even feel like playing anymore.

Next week will be 3 kills of blp and the 4th kill adding blp.

blizz this system sucks as a whole. Stop making random drop legendaries, just abandon the idea all together. Make a quest, make it take 3-4 months, make it something you work towards, make it so higher levels complete it quicker. But do not ever make these legendaries again, for the love of god. No one likes it, no one. No one is happy about this system.