Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Yeah 3 more attempts for me today - none.

Unfortunately just starting to give up hope. I hope someone asks them in these dev interviews about it, if it’s not addressed like what do we do? They clearly don’t care.


0/22 (between two weeks.) Saw it drop twice in a 21 evoker raid. Only 10 evoker alts so far.

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a 457 one hander is 2028 intellect, a 447 one hander is 1848.

We’re past the point where everyone is as disgusted as ever. This is just not fun.


I saw it drop a second time today in Heroic. I am happy for the person who got to get out of the grind (but I also wish I could join them in being yote from the Sisophyean torment).

I got AOTC on May 27th and I’ve been working my tail off weekly for attempts to get it, as have many people here. I don’t want to say I feel entitled. It is a cool item, I don’t need it to perform well; I just wish this was more of a show of patience and skill rather than one of sheer luck that is holding me back.

Look at Dragonwrath; even today, there is still a level of pay-off and achievement because of the time needed to get it. It comes with a cool questline which is involved and the storyline is wonderful for the player to walk through. I love that. Why can’t we have something like that?

I have played this class since launch. I really love this class. I wish I could show my love and enjoyment of it by pursuing a long pay-off grind, because it doesn’t feel good sitting next to someone’s alt who got it in LFR or normal.


my guild has seen 3 cloaks 2 mounts and 0 evoker legendaries despite having 2-3 evokers per sark kill.

Here we go againe…

“…I think lessons learned…” - Ion Hazzikostas


I will give credit for Ion acknowledging it’s a problem, and stating where our frustrations are, and the worries for next tier, but that’s the end of it (and even that I have thoughts on)

However, they should’ve known this was coming, it’s kinda crazy that this is a hot topic and you didn’t come with anything to announce. The ONLY thing I was looking for in these 10.1.5 interviews was about the legendary.

Not about the brand new spec I should be elated about, but the legendary I can’t get. 10.1.5 looks like it’s going to be an amazing patch, but I feel like I can’t enjoy it because I’m just worried about this stupid legendary and that’s not going to stop.

In fact, even coming out and saying “yeah we’re gonna reduce it’s power going into 10.2” would, while still be crappy for those who don’t get it, at least ease our concerns about it just being bis all tier.

However, sure, you get credit for doing the song and dance about how you learned stuff. At the same time, how many times do you have to learn these lessons? You literally mention the bow in the next question - It’s entirely reasonable for us to ask, how many times is enough? How many times do we have to learn “well we learned some lessons” about the SAME LESSON.

This isn’t just an issue with legendaries and this isn’t the first legendary ever, this is an issue with certain rare loot overall, and this just happens to be a class specific legendary and has a higher power due to it being orange.

Enough is enough. You said you want to listen to us more, you said you want to act on community feedback, but yet you still die on these hills about issues, you die on this hill about how the legendary is dropping and it’s dropping in a VERY OLD GAURD WOW way, the thing you said you moved past, that it was a new era - but it’s the same old same old.

I know it has to be unfortunate for those that agree with us on the team that want it to be higher and can’t do anything but feel like we’re blaming them - and I’m sure others believe it should stay like this, but you need to listen to your community. We will tell you when something isn’t right, and we are overwhelmingly telling you something isn’t right.

I will continue to do alts I guess until I get it and re-gear my character, it’s garbage, it feels like garbage, the excitement of a new patch and spec has been completely overshadowed by this legendary and the worst part is you have all this hard work and talent created to be overshadowed by just stubborn-ness.


Another week of clearing through Heroic since it was first available and not having it drop. This is really frustrating, particularly when there’s nothing that I can do to control this. Our guild has cleared Heroic enough times and will very soon be getting to a point where we don’t need anything from the raid anymore, even for alts, and will stop clearing it entirely. To not get the Legendary by then will really be incredibly disappointing and frustrating as we’re basically already ‘done’ with this season in both raid and M+.

It’s very aggravating to hear no changes will occur for this for 10.1.5. At a minimum this should be bad luck protection. Please just introduce bad luck protection for 10.1.5 or significantly increase the drop rate on Heroic and Mythic so that players who clear the harder difficulties have a higher chance to get it.

The fact that some players have resorted to creating an army of Evokers, power leveling them, the running the raid each week to see which character gets it so they can then main that character shows this was poor design. Please do not do this ever again.


“Yeah, we’re talking about it.”

That pretty much means that their minds are made up. How unfortunate.

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The best part is when we all still don’t have it in 10.2, we get to continue farming sarkareth while everyone can go enjoy the new content! That sounds exciting!

I can’t wait!!!


Nothing more too add there


Yeah I really don’t see why something deterministic was never considered for this. They could have kept the full quest item drop as a rare “surprise!” moment while also adding guaranteed drops that eventually let you create the quest item.

Cracked Titan Gem Fragment - Combine with 23 other fragments to create a Cracked Titan Gem.

Drop them based on difficulty, with results being additive over the course of the week starting with a max 4 on Mythic to a min 1 on LFR. 6 Mythic Sark kills required to guarantee, or 8 Heroic, 12 normal, 24 LFR. (Yeah I realize this would seem “unfair” to LFR-only raiders but there is no way to make everyone happy and it gives incentive to maybe find friends to do normal and speed it up.)

My evoker already has 5 Heroic kills and many other people have over 8, so something like this would have made a lot of people pretty happy while maintaining the surprise off-chance that someone just loots the Gem natively without having to grind.

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remembered that two of my heroic kills took place on the same week, so the counter didn’t go up this week for my main.

Main Evoker (this guy):
7 heroic, 3 normal

1st Alt:
2 Heroic, 1 normal

2nd alt:

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The game dont need any more legendaries.

this is better than Mists and WOD style legendaries. Those were curses.

This is a 7.12% of winning not 9% you will always want to do most difficult raid you can complete. I can guarantee this is how Blizzard is doing this calculation because they have proven they suck at math.


I wonder if anyone ever got it doing on a lower difficulty gerade while having ID on a higher difficulty.

I have done only HC this week but it still itches me to do NHC and even LFR

0/28 now ( started tracking last week.) Gonna see how long it takes… have 21 evokers (20 alts.)

Oh plus side: saw 2 drop in a 21 evoker raid.


When they fire Directors that think that extreme RNG is good and fun.

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