Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

10 ilvls from having a 447 weapon won’t matter that much. Completely different from a green that is 400ilvl very easy to get a guaranteed 447 weapon crafted with an embellishment and putting an enchant on it that has a similar effect to the legendary.

Burugos is right – difference between a 447 crafted and 457 isn’t that big. You are comparing a green WQ weapon vs a 457 weap? That isn’t even a close compare. Your evoker isn’t broken if you don’t have the leggo… so cringe for all the tears these people have about it. Mommy and daddy never told you no?

just be like Preheat and document all your kills. Get it next week from Blizzard cause they want to avoid bad PR.


You will get it on your main too aftet making 13 alts lol

Except…it isn’t a 457 weapon. The weapon is roughly 485 with the proc and is outright not getting replaced next tier.

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Halfway there!

We are 1/3 through this tier, and many of us do not have the legendary, with no realistic hope of actually obtaining it without using multiple alts of trying to get it.

There is zero communication from blizz about this, despite it being a huge sore point that is being talked about by community figures, streamers, wowhead, etc.

Usually that eventually gets some sort of response, but instead we get radio silence.

Idk how much more we can say we are frustrated. No response is basically the same as saying “We aren’t changing it, you may not get it by 10.2 and that is acceptable to us, sorry you don’t get to enjoy the evoker content others randomly do get to enjoy”


I have a feeling if they came here to offer an answer, that is actually what they would say. Honestly I’d be fine with not everyone getting the weapon if it weren’t also locking people out of experiencing the additional story elements (however minor people might think it to be).


It’s time to do radio silence to game time payment. It seems these days it’s the only thing Blizzard will listen to… cba dealing with the same thing over and over again.

Its honestly not that serious. No Evokers are being declined high-end content because they don’t have it. Its not even 100% drop from Mythic Sarkareth(that is a good indication on how rare it is.) If you are already doing end-game content without it you don’t NEED it. Personally I am 442-443 ilvl i crafted my 447 weapon and I am doing just fine without the legendary. Most of the top ranked Evokers don’t even have it and they are not doing any better or worse. You all need to relax :relieved:

I’ve been Random Heroic we were 2 Evokers, me and a 411 Alt of someone. It was the first time I’ve ever seen it drop for the freaking alt Char. Blizz you clearly know how to frustrate players and even lose more evoker players to this insane crap RNG shawt

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I joined a 26 evokers group to kill normal sarkareth and only one evoker get that gem last week. I think drop rate is less than 4% on normal.
That is my 7th week to kill all difficulty (except mythic) and get nothing. Its some patch content and we need RNG to get it. it’s really frustrated. Just give us bad luck protection or do something please.

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We had 12 evokers in my sark kill tuesday and it dropped for a 300 ilvl freshly boosted alt.


sounds interesting, i guess i’ll update in this thread each week…

Assuming “you have the same chance blah blah” has been consistent since the beginning:

Main Evoker (this guy):
7 heroic kills,
3 normal kills (not counting those killed the same week as Heroic)

1st Alt:
1 Heroic kill
1 normal kill

2nd alt:
2 LFR kills

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On Twitter where they actually check.

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I never bothered with twitter, and even if i did, no one would see it cuz i’m not important. I just figured I’d post here for the hell of it.


Forget how many on main anyhow:

Alt 1: 4x heroic
Alt 2: 4x heroic
Alt 3: 2x heroic
Alt 4: 1x heroic

Legendaries seen: 0
Legendaries gotten: 0

Not counting normal or lfr cause supposedly you can’t loot em if you do heroic first.


So your largest source of int as a caster is from your weapons. While 2handed for Melee is what, 800… for ranged its over 2.5k at 437. 457 is about 3.3k, thats 800 int… thats 800 more spell power, regardless of what you think, even 10 ilvls from 447 to 457 is still 400int


I think my opinion is invalidated simply because it dropped for me.

This is what I’ve seen 2 or 3 times. I send my “congrats!”, then quickly shift to screaming into a nearby pillow.