Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Blizz def out did themselves in coming up with a trash way to acquire a leggo


nah, it’s the same as sylv bow.

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or just quit… their ideas aren’t helping the game anyway.

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The Sylv bow wasn’t 40-50 IL in value higher than another weapon. This weapon is not getting replaced until season 4.


Doesn’t absolutely help people treat heroic sark like Mythic sark in terms of pugging/ chasing a drop rate.

Another knock back and something to dodge P1, and kiting adds to a pool makes harder somehow. Anyhow, nothing dropped between heroic - lfr today on my evoker sad times.

Well I now have two alts I am running H sark on each week via gold boosts.

So at least we’re keeping the gold boosting community alive single handedly.

Great system by the way, I love making alts that have a chance at the legendary on other realms just so I can try to get my bis for this and next tier and then re-gear my character that does get it.

Every single time I think blizz has learned their lesson, they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They pick the worst hills to die on. Rather than just add bad luck protection or up the drop chance, we get vague updates on info we shouldve had 6 weeks ago and then no communication as youtube/wowhead/twitter/twitch all continue the conversation about how this is trash.

It’s like you can’t resist finding L’s to take when you just finished getting so many W’s. I don’t get it. It’s such an easy W if you just add bad luck protection or up the drop rate. I seriously do not understand the resistance. - And this right here, this is TEXTBOOK blizzard. I literally feel like my voice and opinion has no sway or does not matter, it just feels like we’re being ignored.


i’m with ya, minus the gold-boosting. I have my main (this toon) that’s 440 ilvl, my first alt that’s ~415ish, and another alt that just hit 400 today.

LFR done on the 400 and normal done on the 415, waiting for our guild’s raid this weekend to run heroic on this guy. gonna try to get the 400 up to normal status this week, don’t know if i’ll try to get the 415 up more through M+ or not… i really don’t feel like doing M+ right now, though, so I may wait until 10.1.5


Hopefully blizz realizes that this isn’t some fringe just preheat high end thing, this is “we want our legendary and have no option but to make multiple alts because it’s not guaranteed” deal.

I don’t really even mythic raid anymore but I still want it, I want it for aug and for m+ once aug is out and maybe ill push again, but not having it just kills my motivation because I’m just worse than anyone else with it.


Blizz could fix this in 1 hott fix with bad luck protection and retroactive even. They csn see how many times people have killed sark and on what difficulty. Blizz just loves to beat and berate their player base with terrible ideas that they refuse to admit were a bad choice and correct.


Ps not the same. The bow droped “WOO NEW WEP.!” equip and off you go to dps things.

The new lego drops “oh boy now only 1/2 a million gold to hopefully have the things made that i need to do this long quest then i can finally equip it…”


Not to mention a lot of people never actually did get that dang bow.

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Im still wondering this myself, it makes no sense how they explained it.

False, people are still getting it after heroic in normal/lfr.

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Nobody is being forced to keep rerolling Evokers for a legendary that doesnt make that much of a difference. It doesnt make you a better player. If you are good without it then you are fine. Some of you all need to get rid of these delusions of being forced to reroll an Evoker or that your raid team is going to sit you because you dont have it. Most of the top Evoker players in the world don’t even have it. Relax and craft a 447 weapon. Save your sanity

For me, it’s not that I fear being benched without it, or that I will fall behind without it. Instead it’s these two things:

  • I have played this game since vanilla and have never played the right class/spec to have a real legendary when it was relevant (welfare legiondaries don’t count, imo), and I would love to experience what that feels like, especially one as unique as this.
  • I am very much into the lore of evokers and Drakthyr this expansion, and not getting to play through the questline and experience that part of the lore firsthand is a huge disappointment to me.

I really enjoyed playing through the Dragonwrath questline and seeing all the lore it had to offer. When it was first leaked, I thought that this legendary was going to be something similar; something that would be easy to start, but challenging and/or time-consuming to finish.

Why did I think this, you might ask?

Well first, because the method of getting a drop that you have to craft into a legendary hasn’t been a thing since vanilla with Eye of Sulfuron or Bindings of the Windseeker, so I didn’t expect it to be similar to these. (Valanyr might also technically belong here, but I feel like it fits better into the third category, especially since ‘crafting’ it is just collecting shards, and requires no other mats).

Second, most of the recent legendaries that have just dropped based on a small chance have been fully completed items, and while rich with lore, generally aren’t closely related to the story of that expansion beyond belonging to a major player. The cracked gem fails on both of these accounts, as its not fully complete, and it has a lot of lore surrounding it for the drakthyr specifically, not just because it belonged to Neltharion or dropped off of Sarkareth.

Which leaves us with a third option for past legendaries: easy to start the quest but difficult and/or lengthy to finish, like Dragonwrath, Fangs, Shadowmourne, and the pandaria cloaks, all of which either are a big part of the theme of the expansion, or have a lengthy questline establishing its own lore. (And Valanyr, if you ignore that there isn’t a quest and just start collecting fragments, though it’s lore tie-in is pretty weak compared to the others).

Based on story tie-in alone, it really felt like it was going to be option number three to me, especailly with all of the player-friendly decisions blizzard has made in DF. It just seems so backwards to me that they’d fall back all the way to Vanilla in terms of how they wanted players to get this legendary, and I think my disappointment is justified.


I think all our disappointment is justified. The lack of further communication really just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It ruins an otherwise good raid and patch, because all I think about (thanks to these announcements) is the fact that I don’t have something really cool and all these other people do.

Once again, clutching defeat from the jaws of victory. I just do not understand the need to go backwards, not buff the drop rate or communicate further, and then die on this hill.


I just feel like every trash Alt is already having it and as Main Evoker with almost 60days played time I’m feeling like looking with an exhaust tube into the mountains


Why cant bliz just make it so , the percent drop starts lower but more you kill the higher boss the higher the drop chance gets , and once you get say 20 heroic kills itll be like 50 percent , it feels like once new big raid comes out and an evoker still dont have the item we evokers will be forced to grind dead content to ensure ensure we get bis , sure bis isnt mandatory but it will be very annoying to need to grind and probably unsuccessfully pug once the content is old , that and i find the sarkereth fight annoying to need to do just for a chance and well now being told ive pissed in the wind the last 5 weeks doing lower content to try to increase odds of getting it . Just keep the drop rate the same at the very least , and not change if you try through other difficulties , the way you have it now bliz is uneeded complication and you will see raid run number drop thanks to this news , because for example some raids who have done normal already and in heroic content was grinding thier evokers to try to get the item , and now told 6 weeks later that was all a waste of time , DF has been great so far , but it takes on dumb move to mess up numbers and next week you will see less lfr and normal runs because noone will need to do them and even some cases like peeps i know will just run raid and log if we are lucky they log on at all after being led along to think one way but being told after 6 weeks they have wasted days they could do something else because of some dumb idea of makign an item harder to get than it already has been

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Can we get some sort of bad luck protection hot-fixed into this game? Come on @linxy stand up for the community, help us out, be our voice. There is no reason us main evokers that have been playing the class since before launch (Well back in the PTR) should be re-rolling legions of alt evokers just to try for the leggo. Right now it is easier to full gear a fresh alt once it gets the leggo, than it is to get the leggo on our main evoker.


I wish we could get a response saying the wow team is looking at/reevaluating the drop rate for the Cracked Titan Gem. Having a class lore item, and a significant gear upgrade locked behind RNG is really not fun. I am willing to put in the effort but with no bad luck protection its sucks. As it stands it’s like the bow from Sylv which wasn’t a great experience for hunters and I’m not sure why we would think with all the good changes they made this expansion that it should work the same way.

I won’t hold my breath for any change though.


I want you to equip a green WQ weapon on all your characters all patch. I mean, 40 IL on a weapon won’t make a difference right?

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