Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

its not a 0.01% chance in heroic. its more of a 1% chance if anything.

Let’s say it’s a 1% chance on LFR, 3% on Normal, and 5% on Heroic. The blue post is saying that if you do Heroic first, the lower rolls are additive, essentially meaning the drop chance is 9%.

So for your best shot, you should always be doing the highest available difficulty first. Although the statistical advantage is minuscule, rolling once with a larger chance for success does indeed give you a better chance than rolling multiple times with the lower component percentages.

Completely agreed here.

Costs around 180k + farming time on my server right now (roughly 6 hours for me), and everything except the raid drops can be farmed solo easily. Still need others to craft the actual items though because you can’t teach the patterns to alts.

Pretty awesome that this was only told to us about 6 weeks after the fact lol. Just makes me feel like ive wasted so much time trying to get it. Why even put these stupid hidden mechanics in? Just make it able to drop regardless of what order you have done it in. Or better yet add a chance that each week you dont get it, add a slight increase to people to actually get it.

As someone maining and playing Evoker almost exclusively since Dragonflight started, its really disheartening to see someone jump on their Evoker alt and get it in like 1 or 2 tries. Wish I feel like I was actually working towards it rather than just relying on pure RNG lol. You would think with how many triumphant roars we have heard that its not that low of a drop rate.


Gotta remember that that’s every Evoker on every server in our region.

How are people still able to receive the item then if they clear heroic first, and then go into normal and looting it then? That contradicts your statements.

It seems that even if you clear heroic you could still try lfr or normal, and I’m confused as to why people putting in more effort to try to get the drops would be punished that way? This logic makes no sense.

Can someone please clarify

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Is there any proof if this? I’ve only heard second hand accounts.

There’s a blue post depicting drop chances.

It is not possible to clear heroic first and then receive the item from normal or LFR.

It is possible to receive it from LFR → Normal → Heroic. But the drop chance is cumulative.

4% is still large enough % wise that you would do Heroic first. 1% is low enough to never see it ever, and 3% is low enough to not see it in this patch cycle. remember we are roughly 13-15 weeks away from the next Major patch update which comes with a raid at the rate they have been releasing content (roughly every 8 -10 weeks).

If the weapon is of such great value, it should not be a random drop chance at all. It should be an epic quest chain, think of it like the firelands staff or shadowmourne. Both required certain things. Maybe remove the raid specific requirements outside of boss kills and material drops, Things like blood blessing, frost blessing, plague blessing was dumb for shadowmourne and is the major time gate farming the item for transmog. Firelands had a similar problem aswell.


That’s OK. I just want it, even if it’s after it stops being relevant. :slight_smile:

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Man, I’m just so damn tired… will anything in this game ever be done right the first time again?


Its a legendary. It should only come from Torghast.


I like how Blizz is being intentionally vague as possible on this and now people are arguing with math.


Another week goes by without any type of bad luck protection, etc. When will Blizzard learn that extreme RNG is not a good or fun way to aquire things. When Evoker main’s are having to re-roll and powerlevel alt evokers, just for a chance to get a leggo, then delete and try again, something is wrong. What a slap in the face it is to all the people who have invested lots of time in their Evokers since the start of the expansion, only to see a newly made alt that will never get seriously played get the RNG drop before they do. A Legendary item should involve a long questline to get, with lots of boss kills or something, not RNG luck that you may never get while it is at all relevent. Based on the item, some of us will be farming Sark well into next tier just to get the leggo because we were sat by our raid teams since we did not have it…


So min max chance at drop sans Mythic is LFR->Normal->Heroic or Heroic->LFR->Normal?

Unless blizzard coded it stupidly, running it on heroic only is equivalent to lfr + norm + heroic.

I would say this after reading up on it. Though Blizz states you cannot get it on Normal/LFR after running it on the higher difficulties, enough 2nd hand accounts on class discord kinda point to at least trying it this way until dev’s clear it up. Maybe even work your way down, Heroic > Normal > LFR and see if the glitch goes your way lol.

My guess is someone forgot to flip the switch that nulls your lower rolls once you clear heroic/mythic (assuming your lockouts are clear for the week at the outset). This will probably be ghost-hotfixed or another blue post will come out in a week clarifying that the rolls are NOT attached, but the roll chances were correct-ish and will remain. Just my prediction!

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Everyone I’ve seen saying they got it on their second kill of the week on a lower difficulty haven’t even been sure that themselves. And the second it drops is the second you lose all investment in tracking it. Considering that, I haven’t seen anything definitive that contradicts how Bornakk explained it.

:100: agree, there’s not enough concrete information in either direction. I have read 2 solid excerpts about 2 people getting it on lower difficulty who showed their lockout snips, and a handful of others (supposed/suspicious/any other shadowy s word) so who knows.

What I do know, is there is typically fire where there’s smoke, until Blizz shows up with the fire extinguisher after the eventual Wowhead article killing the fun. Seems the pattern with other bugs/exploits, I have a hard time believing nothing is cooked on this legendary iteration.

Two Heroic Sark kills today between my main and my evoker, 12 evokers total present, and zero Gems dropped. Rough week so far :joy:.