Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

Not a good idea to send a poorly written explanation knowing that evokers ( that care about gear/power) are not happy with the Lego implementation

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The blue post is simply stating that if you do it on X difficulty, lower difficulties won’t give you any additional chance.

This is the most unfair legendary thats come out.

Warglaves and Bow, raw drop chance. Here you go, congrats.

Shadowmourne, Cata staff and dagger, anyone can get but you have to do a long quest.

This one? We have a low chance of getting the quest and then do a massive expensive quest after. And its not even clear the drop rate and now we cant even do it on other difficulties?! Seriously?!

if that was the case i dont think everyone in this thread would be asking for further clarification.

Which means there is a really high chance of it operating in the opposite direction of doing at a lower difficulty then trying for a higher one won’t give you any additional chances.

The biggest thing with the blue post is that we knew highest difficulty had highest chance, what was requiring clarification was “Does killing him more give more chance for it to drop?” And with the blue post, that answer is a vague no.

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This is an absolute word salad that clarifies nothing.

Please try again. This explanation, and I use that word extremely graciously, is doing nothing but sowing further confusion.

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Okay sure, but what if you kill sark on lfr and then go to normal or heroic? Did you use up your chance for the week? Can it still drop from normal or heroic?

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It’s a really low chance that it only goes off your first kill per week instead of your highest difficulty. I can’t remember any off the top of my head, but items that worked in similar fashion in the past, that went solely off your highest difficulty per week, gave the difference in chance when going from lower difficulty to higher difficulty. Order didn’t matter

because, like, we still don’t really have any besides a vague blue post.

We need way more elaboration on this

  1. What does that even mean? We were explicitly told that different difficulties had different drop chances - implying that we should be running every difficulty every week.
  2. Why would you guys wait SIX WEEKS to give us this “information”?

This is far and away the worst handling of a legendary since Vanilla
actually unreal. I don’t understand why you guys just didn’t do it like Valanyr, Shadowmourne, Dragonwrath, Fangs, etc.


estimated to be roughly 11-12 weeks left in this raid tier aswell.


Bornakku, I’ve come to bargain.

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But there were a lot of items that you had 1 chance a week on, and they told us that. I’ve never heard of that sort of mathematical construction as you describe, seems very odd that they would create that and then not explain how it worked, even after clarification.

This is the main thing. If they just said, “You get one roll a week and highest difficulty has the highest chance” then it’d all be figured out, Evokers would schedule to do Heroic first (either with their guild or pugging on their own) and then only touch the lower difficulties for things like the mount or cloak.

Yeah, I’m still not entirely sure what they mean by this. Some additional clarification would be nice.

Can you name any off hand? Only one I can recall is aman’thul’s vision and it was a static chance so difficulty order didn’t matter.

You’re confusing us.

Imagine ACTUALLY telling Evoker players the drop rates on each difficulty and how the drops work. It would be so much less of a headache for us


Perhaps I heard it said so many times because I ran that raid so many times. But I never heard of anything that had partial drop rates based on which difficulty you did first.

I am so confused by this and it makes no sense.

  1. Does it have the chance to drop 3 times per week (LFR, Normal and Heroic)
  2. It only has the chance to drop once per week and the difficulty you do it on determines the Drop % for it??

This is very POORLY explained

Ive spent the last few weeks doing Heroic AND Normal and THIS WEEK LFR trying to get this to drop with NO LUCK
 Please explain better.