Evoker Legendary Quest -Mythic Sarkareth Drop

If it’s just the item to start the quest, it should drop more often. Remember, Invincible is a very rare drop too and I have been trying to get that damn mount since WoLK. If the chances for the item to start is also a very rare drop in LFR, that is pretty damn crappy of ActiBlizz. Just more content that casuals will be c*** blocked from doing I reckon.

And just for the evokers, really? Like poor marksmen, you just keep missing the target.

I’m not asking for the return of the crappy Legion legos, Hell no, but if it is just the item to start the quest, come on ActiBlizz, use your collective heads for something other than to show off the latest hair styles.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

After getting shafted multiple times during SL and Dragonflight with weapons, I’m honestly glad that Hunter didn’t get a legendary. It makes sense to let Evoker get one anyway, though with it being a fist weapon, maybe shaman and monk should have been included, too.

I get it, really, they’ve added legos for a single class before or for a limited amount of classes, so I understand the precedent, I just think it’s lazy. And if casuals are going to have to put in all this time and effort to even start the quest, what would be the point? By the time most casuals get the drop, the next expac will be here and the lego will be useless, and given this talentless dev team, they will disable the quest once a new expac drops anyway. So why would casuals even bother to participate in this content?

Make the quest long and involved, it should be, it’s for a legendary weapon, but don’t make it so hard to even start it that people don’t even bother to try.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Why are you on the forums if you lack basic reading skills?

Anyway, good for the cringe dragons, I’d like to have a unique caster weapon ONCE please. Something besides hunters and warriors could use a unique weapon.

I do. This was posted before the blue post.

Look at post number / date of post. Op went and edited the title to include the blue post.

I’m gonna go back and edit mine to clarify i made it before the blue post.

Clarified that the addition was an edit. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And I’m seeing in the Wowhead comments confirmed reports that it is indeed dropping! Exciting!

Do you read?

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Of course, we already know the drop in Mythic is group loot for obvious reasons, but there seem to be some reports of the Cracked Titan Gem dropping as Personal Loot, are we able to get official confirmation if this is actually dropping as Personal Loot in Normal and Heroic?

This would be fantastic if this is indeed the case.

I saw it pop into someone’s inventory the moment the boss went down.

Not the case as the evoker legendary is basically garbage for anything other than buffing your allies? Yeah no idk what I was thinking when i said it’d be good in PvP…you start channeling a spell like evokers got in PvP you get several rogues stabbing you in the throat before you can exhale that puff of fire. That or cutting your wings off before you can release arcane bolts or whatever the healers have… oh well at least it’s not one I gotta care about. Should of just made the evoker legendary a collar as you know some folk are going to try telling them when to use their charging abilities like the evokers just suddenly became their pet or slave and has to obey orders given because of the legendary glove

I am main Evoker Player. And to be honest I’m interested in this Legendary but I won’t get it at all for 2 Reasons

  1. It’s way too expensive and as raider and M+ runner I won’t spend a month of farming gold for a Weapon I will replace in 2 or 3 months

  2. It buffs allies which is fine but it buffs only allies and not yourself why should I spend a lot of time effort and gold for an item that makes improvement for others but not my own character.

So I’ll keep my hands off that legendary

I actually like it for the opposite reasons.

  1. I like that it’s a weapon that can be attained as a part of a guild effort.
  2. Pursuant to point 1, I like that the result of that effort rewards the group, not solely the individual.

I’m pretty sure most guilds won’t support their Evokers with such en expensive thing

You’re not in the right guilds, then.

as a new class , yes the quest line should make it a time consuming effort but to get the quest should be reward by killing the boss not a chance to get on killing the boss doing that you might as well just make it a rare drop from the boss like warglaves , especially for a legendary that is really basically a turd for the wielder and only good for whoever gets the side buff , the only way that would not be an issue is go cack to the old to were doing required dps is a thing and parsing dont exist, thats a whole other issue is parsing too many worry about parsing over mechanics , sure they do a ton of damage but its not good if you make heals work extra hard because you are a melee standing in fire just to avoid losing your parse , but i digress and feel if this legendary should be a 100% drop for the kill but have to build it up through questing like the fangs of the father did , my rogue got FOTF but it took months to aquire but felt rewarding because i didnt have to grind a boss just to get the starter quest to even get them , ESPECIALLY since its for the new race, and class of the game

Eh, I’ll give it a few more weeks to get a feel for its rarity.

Ridiculous elitist logic.

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I miss legendary quest chains. I think that’s what kept me so invested in MoP and even WoD raiding. Wish they’d bring those back for everyone again.

You mean it’d have made more sense for it to drop randomly in week 1 of heroic before it had even been defeated on mythic once?