Evoker Is...Underwhelming

Those that learned evoker on Beta rocking now in PVP. DPS evoker one shotting, where healing one just outhealing everyone and also dpsing. At this point evoker need nerfs not buffs

I mean, nothing you said is wrong, but they are also the lamest tmog in the game making them borderline unplayable…

Although my tmog is aight all things considered :confused:

I made one yesterday. I am a casual first of all 18xp and unfortunately I play every class most were 290ilvl-301 pvpilvl before patch. In epics I seen 167k DPS in solo which I hit 13 on I was seeing 47k DPS. My evoke is 287 for the record. 52k surges. It’s nasty.

Is dps evoker really that good outside that 2m burst? I am gearing mine…i have 7 pieces of eternal glad gear so far but obviously its a slow process.

It just feels frustrating everything is hardcasting.

Yea even fully geared on my evoker and not claiming to be good on it because im not but even with our defensives and 40% vers im just getting slapped and one shot it seems. But was queing 2s with a preservation evoker and the heals were great!

My biggest issue though so far is that if the terrain isnt perfectly flat some of the abilities dont work and its super annoying. I forget what its called but its the ability where you fly and blow flames out of and half the time it wont even work. Super annoying.

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It’s not fury warrior or BM hunter, the class was designed to be for “advanced” players.

The casual crowd is going to struggle to use the kit effectively, but watch some YouTube PvP videos the new class absolutely crushes people. If anything it’s going to need nerfs not buffs.


Evoker healing and dmg output is similar to shaman with more funnel dmg and aoe healing

I got my dps evoker in rival gear rn. You have absolutely 0 kill potential outside your oneshot window every 2 minutes. The people saying that it’s just a l2p issue or that it gets better with gear are deluding themselves.


Based off what? Nothing

Evoker thoroput surpasses MW while rsham hps is on the lower end. It’s mastery is close to opposite the way rsham functions and the way it puts out high healing is something in between rdruid and mw masteries.

ppl have called it every other healer “on roids” when its it’s own thing

i agree with u in pvp as heals kinda a joke right now

lmao smfh … . … … … …

The issue with Preservation, the new healing spec of the Evoker class, is its twenty-five-yard range on healing spells. This is unprecedented. No healer in World of Warcraft has had anything less than a forty-yard range on their base kit of healing spells no matter if they were considered melee or ranged. That being said Resto druids could potentially have a forty-five-yard range with balance affinity.

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I was not expecting to even level Evoker but did out of boredom and it’s all I’ve been playing since. Idk how good Devastation is in relation to stuff like DH or Spriest, but it’s honestly a lot of fun.

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Not sure which portion you agree or disagree with, but go ahead and do you. Precariously shake that head :+1:

I think Evoker really shines in epic BGs since you have a pile of people you plow your aoe into and you have a lot of friendlies that allows you to use your mobility to use your allies as shields.

Their weaknesses are going to show up more in smaller scale BGs and arena.

These screenshots are from an IOC. No berserker buffs in that zone afaik, but saltwater could be a factor. Also, I’m thinking that evokers are doing much more damage to NPCs/vehicles than players so that can pad the damage.

36 killing blows, though… and that lizard is not even geared.

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It’s a mixture between Shaman, DH, and HPala.

Evoker is way to squishy. It has the worst survivability out of any class. All melee has to do is train the Evoker and slow the Evoker… Blizzard needs to give us a shield… the armor buff was no good. Give Evokers a shield similar to mages. Why dont Evokers have a Shield. They are dragons who harness primal enegery yet we do not get a shield??? why no warlocks, shamans and priest get a thousand shields and defensives ?

Mine did way above average in Korracks Revenge yesterday. But did super terrible in solo shuffle today. My paladin did super in solo shuffle.

Im not sure I like the solo shuffle that much. My paladin killed stuff too fast and I got raged at for doing that…we won and I still get raged at. Then we had a team of round of two evokers with one of them being me, we both got raged at by the priest.

So idk. They are not for everyone. I like mine but so many complain about them.

My evoker wrecks in BGs. Big time. You just need to get better at yours.

I do DPS only on my evoker.

The point of them is that you are supposed to nuke your enemies down fast before you get engaged by them. I did eat a full on bladestorm with mine and it dropped me in a couple of seconds.