Evoker Hero Talents

Just wanted to get a discussion going about the announced Evoker hero specs:

  • Chronowarden
  • Ruby Adept
  • Scalecommander

They all sound interesting, and I’m definitely eager to learn more. Personally, I was kind of hoping for a hero spec that focuses on our blue spells and would give us access to some abberus-inspired talents like glittering surge and mass disintegrate. Hopefully we will get that with the scalecommander talent.

What are y’all hoping to see with the evoker hero talents?


It sounds like I’m getting what I wanted most through Chronowarden, but i completely agree about blue spells. I hope there are some good options.


Yes! I would love to see a Blue-spell focused hero spec with names such as:

  • Spellweaver
  • Azurewing
    -Mage Hunter

Just throwing out ideas of course. <3

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The reason we’re unlikely to see one that is blue focused is that the tree needs to fit 2 different specializations, and devastation is the only one that really uses blue. Pres and Aug both use bronze, Pres and Dev both use red, and I don’t know what will be in scalecommander. Maybe it will summon a little drac’thyr ally or somethin

I’m hoping scalecomander will be a melee spec. Unlikely I know, but it has been requested.


Hero talents are not a new spec.


I haven’t looked into the details yet. What are they then, just extra talents?


I think Ruby Adept and Chronowarden sound a little… uncool. I like Spellweaver and Azurewing ideas, much cooler names. Spellweaver should be the name instead of Ruby Adepte. Chronowarden might be too hard to rename though
I don’t see why there couldn’t be like a The ONE thing though, that I would love, is to have Scalecommander make Evokers MELEE PLEASE. All I want to to is smack stuff with a sword/polearm/axe as a dragon. That’s it. I’ve even stopped playing my evoker as much due to this.


exactly that, they’ll take a shared ability and buff it.

for example keeper of the grove on druid buffs Treants

Most of the hero talents will be passives but as noted in one of the interviews, some classes will also get new actives where they make sense.

I can always dream, but for Scalecommander, one thing I would like to see would be a skill that alters their gameplay a little to be similar to red mage in FFXIV. It would let them go into melee without completely changing their caster identity.

Active skill example:

Empower Armament:
20 sec cooldown. Transforms your next non empowered cast spell into a melee attack.

Bonus effect of the spell will change based on which spell was being cast.

Living Flame: Dash to your target and strike, dealing fire damage to nearby enemies and healing allies for a small amount around the target.

Disintegrate: Dash to your target and strike, dealing damage against your target and apply a DoT.

Then you can get passives in the tree to give “Empower Armament” more stuff like giving 3 second of hover after using it to reposition, 3 seconds of obsidian scales after dashing, etc.

With something like this, they could also play with passives that interact with the Evoker’s shorter casting range among other things. (example being Azure Strike hitting up to 5 targets instead of 2 when used under 10 yards or something like that.)

I also wanted something blue aligned, but devastation is the only spec that uses blue spells.

Ruby adept is probably Dev/Pres (despite the fact that pres barely uses red)
Chronowarden is probably Pres/Aug
Scalecommander is probably Aug/Dev.

Part of me wonders if Scalecommander will give dev options for party support.

Why would someone have started playing Evoker, to stop because they can’t be melee? Silly lol.

I’m hoping these Hero Talents give us some really cool passive stuff, like maybe Fire Breath causes our next Disintegrate to hit all targets affected by Fire Breath. Or our range on targets hit by Landslide is increased by 30% for 12 seconds. Verdant Embrace increases your healing on the affected target by 20% for 5 seconds. Oppressing Roar now affects allies, rallying them to deal 5% increased damage to enemies affected by Oppressing Roar. Dragon Rage now inspires allies within 30 years, increasing their versatility by 3%. Emerald Communion partially pulls allies within 25 yards into the Emerald Dream, reducing damage taken by 15% while channeling, and for 4 seconds after. Dream Breath increases the healing of Spirit Bloom by 10% on all targets affected by Dream Breath. Temporal Anomaly now applies Reversion on all targets at 40% efficacy for 60% it’s duration.

Just spit-balling some ideas :3 Evokers are super cool and have loads of space to really fill them out spectacularly with the Hero Talents.

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So long as one of the Talents increases my casting range to 40 yards…we good.


Lmao I would have agreed with this when I first started playing Evoker some weeks ago, but I’ve actually kinda grown to enjoy it xD

Was an interesting learning curve, but maybe I’m a glutton for punishment lol.

Those are amazing ideas. Definitely hoping Blizz sees your ideas and takes them into consideration.

I really like the idea of ​​Ruby Adept. I hope you change the blue spells to red, with extra mechanics, it would be amazing.
a disintegration of fire.

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Its fine and doable…but I’m Tired of all my Ranged buddies Standing behind me watching me do Mechanics while they are able to sit back and turret…


This is something that I’d like because it’d be neat turning Disintegrate to fire for something like this.



y’all are asking for WAAAAAAY toooooooooo LITTLE…so long as they give us the graphic of/similar to rank4 Focusing Iris in place of disintigrate/combo, im hella good.