Evoker Class Color

Fingers crossed, right?

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It’s a design principle. If you hang the color on the theme and the theme changes, then the color becomes an off choice. If the color is already disconnected, there’s no dependency.

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i use raidframes in 5 mans and i dont have class colors on so everyone is the same neon green life bar to me :person_shrugging:

Jade green is fine. Ruby red would literally be DKs. I personally have 0 problems distinguishing Evokers with Monks.


Icy Veins uses the monk and druid colors for it. It’s quite confusing.

There’s actually a difference between the two colors on mobile forums at least (unsure if it shows on desktop version). Priests color has a slight goldish creme tinge while evoker is just plain white

What, you don’t like the OOR monk colour that doesn’t work in forums?

We already had two green classes and one red class; Modern Blizz identifies with their trolling payers, not gamers, and not casuals. That’s why Dracthur a) exists in it’s state, b) is another green and not a second red.
Blizz decision making is heavily influenced by how much they can troll us.

The colour not working in forums could suggest they’re open to changing it to red, but idk. /doubt

Why on earth would it be red when Alexstrasza had literally nothing to do with their creation

It really should be somewhere around a brown or yellow, but then that runs the issue of being too similar to Warrior and Rogue. At the end of the day, there are just too many classes for every single one of them to be a distinctly different color

Because Alex is the main key art of the xpac.
Why on earth are DKs red?
Nothing is cut and dry in this game, calm down.

Because they’re a dark shade close to blood, indicative of their violent nature as machines of war and death


Why not black, or a dark grey? They were made back the black dragon aspect. I know dead is black, but we could always change that to something else like transparent or something (you don’t need to heal a dead person!).

sure, that’s 1 of 3 specs. You’ll eventually hit an answer. Nobody associates the LK with blood, or red.

I said calm down because you came out the gate with “why on earth would it be red like alex” lol
Maybe you’re just new to the game idk.

It has nothing to do with their specs

Are you ok? You keep saying weird things like this for absolutely no reason, did someone hurt you?

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idk, you seem a little more invested in this than me. I’m just alt tabbing between work and school.

I questioned OP’s reasoning for their color choice and then went on to explain what I think it should be, why, and why it ultimately didn’t matter. You’re the one who responded directly to me acting as if I’m calling for the end of the world

That is a reach, considering the overall class theme has been the same for everyone since the beginning. Class themes are the class.

I just had this same conversation about using interfaces and Dependency Injection in a “simple” app.

The flexibility is a feature, even if you’re not using it right now. That’s why it’s called a principle.

Like, my neighborhood is pretty safe. 99.99% of the time, I don’t need to lock my doors. But, my door still has a lock.

I directly refuted your points. Not that either of our opinions matter. Regardless, it’s just the official forums. Not worth getting so offended about.

Just let everyone set their own colors for classes in game.

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It also isn’t the mental gymnastics you’re making it out to be. Case and point: our current colors make no sense, but changing them would create a small disconnect for a while (as mentioned earlier in the thread).

If your reasoning is flexibility, then why do some classes use colors that work? Though i would change it, blue works for shaman lightning and water. White for a priest seems right. Green for hunters? Brown for warriors (though, again, i would change)? This thought process doesn’t line up when some classes fit, and some don’t.

Anyway, my point was only to say the colors have no real rhyme or reason.