Could it hurt to have TOO many servers that you then merge as opposed to not enough where people literally wait 20-30 minutes and everything is full? I just don’t understand. Its frustrating.
the answer is yes
lol more servers… more servers gogogogogo
Yep well kinda sucks the relm I loged onto says medium and it says full when I try to log into it.
Wish I had 20 mins damn
Every EST PVP server is full, even the ones they opened up today!
On bloodsail right now. Taking 30+seconds to loot something, and I haven’t even seen my cast bar pop up. Just spamming spells til the message pops up saying “Target is Dead”.
Well I hope new ones open because I am not prepared!
If a new server would open, I’d join it.
It means us EST players get our choice of server queues!
I’m rolling Grob for my alt I guess, sorry rp people. Queue times were just too high everywhere else.
I’m shocked they didn’t add more already. This is an outrage.
Yes. The server I signed up for earlier today said it was a medium population. I tried logging in shortly before 6pm est and I got a queue of 30 minutes. From medium to full. In under an hour… I can’t see the harm in having more servers than needed and then combining those that are low early on once the dust has settled. That way players are no really affected negatively.
I got home and logged in 5 minutes before supposed launch… queue 21,000+ and 383 minute queues…
Good job Blizzard with your under whelming amount of servers. If the server is already filled and you have 21,000 people waiting… what did you expect the dropoff on population to be 100%?
i’ve played on full servers on retail my entire life and this is by far the biggest queue i’ve ever been in, on a server that was medium pop yesterday
this is nothing but good signs ahead, as frustrating as it is. Blizz must’ve listened to the doomsayers saying “hurrr no one will play classic” and went with the MVP for server size, # of servers, etc like idiots
I honestly expected 4 more servers before or right at launch.
Thanks for the tip. Our que was up to 6k btw. It will be so fun once the kinks are worked out.
My que started at 19.7k, im at 14.6 with 2 hour wait. Might as well sit here and read.
not with bliz running it they are completely incompetent
This is the Classic experience.