That’s not an excuse to treat people like trash, though. It’s not the devs fault that you’re balding, have arthritis, and your wife left you.
The game has certainly become more competitive - mostly due to the proliferation of information, or game knowledge. The average PVP player of today is typically better than the average PVP player of the past. Why? Well, mostly because they’re armed with oodles of game knowledge thanks to databases, videos/streams, coaching, advanced add-ons, etc. A lot of this stuff just didn’t exist before. People had to figure things out on their own. Now you can just google a guide in 5 secs.
That’s subjective.
I don’t think you quite get what I’m saying. An MMO, to continue living, has to cater to the majority. What the majority wants, the majority gets - or they risk losing those players. This is why the devs focus on PVE, and practically ignore PVP. PVE is what the majority is here for; as such, PVP kind of gets neglected. This isn’t personal. It’s just business. The fact that they give us any attention at all is something we should be thankful for.
When I’m talking about the majority, intelligence doesn’t enter into the equation. We’re not talking about intelligence. We’re talking about desire: what people want. It makes business sense to cater to the majority. What are people asking for? If 85% of the player-base is asking for X, then perhaps it would be wise to try and give them that. Not everyone will like it, and even those who initially thought they’d like it might not like it in the long-run, but the point here is to satisfy the desire of the majority to keep them playing. If they don’t, it’s not going to be an MMO for very long.
This is actually why we’re seeing the devs catering to the casual player-base more than they ever have before. They’ve come to realize that, in many respects, they are the majority. Why do you think they’re adding in things like cars and player housing? Was it because the HC gamers asked for it? What about the profession revamp and Delves? Who spear-headed those changes? How about RSS and BGBs? What about the easy PVP gearing? Casual players are behind a lot of these things.
I disagree. They turned a new leaf with DF. They started listening.
Are things perfect? No - but we shouldn’t be expecting perfection; in fact, we should be celebrating the good changes, giving the devs a much needed encouragement to continue listening.
…And most of those players are casuals. They made that happen. The majority made that happen.