Everything about pvp in this game is trash

Hey cool, welcome to living in a society. That’s how democracy works, where a majority sets the tone for a duration of time. Unless you are some space lizard eldritch entity, you too, are part of a majority, Tyler Durden.

Talk to me real quick ;). I was so sad. I thought I’d finally caught you in an epic bg. Put you on focus, only to watch the worst performance I had ever seen from a boomkin. Only to find out, it was an imposter with your name.

So with how dumb many people are it sounds more like a idiocracy than anything else. And also you don’t really make much progress with that system anyway as the new guy just usually its a theme that he just goes in and rips down everything the last guy did to replace it with his rinse and repeat.

I don’t think many people want to make progress. By the sounds of it a lot of them are perfectly comfortable with how it is now uncomfortable growth be damned.

I don’t really like to engage in group think cause it strips away individuality and critical thinking. Its just “oh welp everybody else thinks so so i guess i’ll just fall in line no questions asked”.

That same line of thinking has caused many attrocities in human history. Just falling in line not asking questions.

Thats why i couldn’t stand the military when i was in there group think completely dominated. They’d get you pretty much as close as a person can get to a bot on a assembly line and i couldn’t stand that so i left after my term was done.

I’ve just recently had a back and forth on this very topic. I had to erase the last 20 minutes of what I was typing to you because I know how exhausting this can get on two different philosophies/perspectives.

Hedonistic individualism vs Contemporary hedonism
Individualism vs Collective Responsibility

Without going into a huge detailed debate. I believe in unification through balance. I believe in spiritual communal(I practice religion) I understand the strengths of each and importance of our past and how we got here through both. Each with their extremes and their faults. As a whole, my stance is without being a “tribe/community” our extinction/demise would of occurred centuries ago.

I don’t know if you like to read but you should look into the workings of Jean Jacques Rousseau and John Locke as a starting point if you haven’t already researched into their life.

So humans are extremely weak by themselves?

I wonder if more people were getting things done themselves if they would be less weak.

Our advantage over other animals who have more girth is brains. And numbers ofc.

So if the other animals had our mind we would be cooked.

There are some humans who are extremely strong themselves like halfthor or Eddie hall but they are the exception.

Physically and mentally. We are having a literal mental health crisis in our country as we speak and have been for a long time.

the advancement of weaponry, civilization and medicine. The life expectancy a few centuries ago was what like 20 lol. Imagine knowing you are dead by 25, crazy.

is extremely obese and his strength is lifting objects. His UFC match vs those twins was hard to watch. Weight classes were designed for a reason. He would die fighting any apex animal in the wild with no weapons or armor with just his fists alone.

The life expectancy a few centuries ago was what like 20 lol

Do you actually believe this?

It was a little facetious. It was more of 30s and 40s. But the overall point I was trying to make remains that I stand by.

I wonder why it is that people are so weak by themselves.

Yeah the 2 things that have the potential to beat pure size and girth in a fight is weapons and numbers. Usually if you don’t have 1 or the other your cooked.

I mean he definitely isn’t “obese” in the typical sense. People on the shorter side look like that with enough size. The mountain is around his same weight but looks different cause he is taller.

Yeah girth is very important when like you said weapons or numbers isn’t a factor.

When you put a person in charge of something… you tend to stay out of their way.

Putting trust in the worst PvP designer in the history of gaming was one of Ion’s biggest mistakes… but at least he’s willing to adapt to what players want… years too late, though.

So, sure - you can toss some blame Ion’s way.

He trusted a terrible human being… and an equally bad designer.

That’s not an excuse to treat people like trash, though. It’s not the devs fault that you’re balding, have arthritis, and your wife left you.

The game has certainly become more competitive - mostly due to the proliferation of information, or game knowledge. The average PVP player of today is typically better than the average PVP player of the past. Why? Well, mostly because they’re armed with oodles of game knowledge thanks to databases, videos/streams, coaching, advanced add-ons, etc. A lot of this stuff just didn’t exist before. People had to figure things out on their own. Now you can just google a guide in 5 secs.

That’s subjective.

I don’t think you quite get what I’m saying. An MMO, to continue living, has to cater to the majority. What the majority wants, the majority gets - or they risk losing those players. This is why the devs focus on PVE, and practically ignore PVP. PVE is what the majority is here for; as such, PVP kind of gets neglected. This isn’t personal. It’s just business. The fact that they give us any attention at all is something we should be thankful for.

When I’m talking about the majority, intelligence doesn’t enter into the equation. We’re not talking about intelligence. We’re talking about desire: what people want. It makes business sense to cater to the majority. What are people asking for? If 85% of the player-base is asking for X, then perhaps it would be wise to try and give them that. Not everyone will like it, and even those who initially thought they’d like it might not like it in the long-run, but the point here is to satisfy the desire of the majority to keep them playing. If they don’t, it’s not going to be an MMO for very long.

This is actually why we’re seeing the devs catering to the casual player-base more than they ever have before. They’ve come to realize that, in many respects, they are the majority. Why do you think they’re adding in things like cars and player housing? Was it because the HC gamers asked for it? What about the profession revamp and Delves? Who spear-headed those changes? How about RSS and BGBs? What about the easy PVP gearing? Casual players are behind a lot of these things.

I disagree. They turned a new leaf with DF. They started listening.

Are things perfect? No - but we shouldn’t be expecting perfection; in fact, we should be celebrating the good changes, giving the devs a much needed encouragement to continue listening.

…And most of those players are casuals. They made that happen. The majority made that happen.

I’m still having fun. Maybe take a break if you need one. Try some other games and we’ll see ya when ya get back.

Also, if you practice a bit, it’s easy to make non bitter coffee, which helps with the bitterness, if one is being bitter…that is.

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Feels kind of bad when you consider HOTS had more devs than retail pvp. Might have more now with the influx of new people, or they might have determined that retail pvp is a lost cause and let it die out slowly like they tried to do with HOTS.

I am a noob and I think its pretty fun lol. Maybe that is because I know better then to lose sleep over a 20 year old game I just started playing during the last expansion…

sometimes I beat guy down sometimes guy beats me down and other times I get beat down by 5 frost mages all shooting me from 60 yards away. then I respawn and jump back in.

Only time I get mad is when I misclick or something at the graveyard and it starts the timer over to like 30 or something

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Having played a ton of Blitz in the last week, the game is definitely overloaded with far too much micro CC (trying to peel from a node vs a frost mage with frostbite is almost impossible) and major CC with too short of a CD (thinking psychic scream).

IMO the game could do with a top down rebalancing for CC both in the CC itself and in regards to mdps mobility. Clamp down on melee mobility so wizard CC is impactful, but not make the CC so frequent that you’re spending entire team fights half afk because you’re getting repeat disoriented/stunned/feared/rooted.

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Yeah I remember he then UFCd the mountain and I think he lost.

Part of the reason Cersei survived so long in got is because the mountain or as he was later known ser Robert strong was just such a tank physically towering over everybody and intimidated everyone so much by his mere presence that in a whole city of people who hated her they did nothing.

Nobody wanted that smoke even the best warriors around couldn’t overcome his size and skill especially in his zombie form.

The only things bigger than him were the actual giants and the dragons ofc.

Adam smasher in cyberpunk had the same effect on people.

I want to be as massive as him one day.