Everything about pvp in this game is trash

I think its about time for people to start realizing that people post way more when mad than when happy. Skews the perception of what the majority is.

Its not weird with holinka wanting people to socialize. He is older and from a generation that didn’t have social media or phones most his young years. He is like our parents who talk to everyone and befriend everyone around them. They talk, while everyone these days is socially awkward and rather have fun through their phones than in person.

I’m pushing close to 40 now. I know both worlds of being terminally online and outside playing until dark before i was allowed inside and land lines where a thing.

While agreeing with this part, I find the concept of arena/bg/ebg interesting and fun, unfortunately the execution is bad and unmaintained.
I would also want the competition to put more focus on skills and not collection.

The people who are happy never make it known.

So all anyone sees is negativity and that means negative reception is all they get.

Perception is reality.

So from an outside perspective it looks like the entire PvP community is just a bunch of terminally online complainers who are never happy with anything.

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I demonstrate. We got new animations for the next season, and I made a post congratulating the developers who made them.

Maybe he should run a dating site then.

This is what Holinka is responsible for…

  1. Removing PvP servers ( He destroyed World PvP.)
  2. Removing WoD PvP Gearing… forcing upgrades locked behind rating.
  3. Ashran (LOL)
  4. Corruptions. Corruptions were such an atrocity that the person who thought of the idea got fired. They fired the man who thought of the idea - but not the people who approved it (Holinka.)
  5. Refusal to implement the two most requested PvP features in the games history. His refusal to adapt to what modern day players wanted… because of ego, and outdated social beliefs.

Holinka’s main priority was hanging out at Blizz Con so content creators could kiss his ring. PvP has actually improved since he stepped down - but because of the state he left it in… causing so many people to quit the game - none of us actually acknowledge it. The man destroyed PvP - and to this day - I am proud to be blocked by him… for calling him out.

I cannot stand the guy.

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It’s funny to go back and read all the comments on his 2nd leaving of Blizzard and all the hopeful comments seeing the state of the game still years later. Which is hilarious to know he went to work for greg street who couldn’t even handle making an MMO with unlimited funding from Tencent at Riot Games.

Interesting read… and a lot of those posts support what I’ve been saying. Brian Holinka is responsible for everything bad that has happened to PvP - and responsible for holding back two features that should have been implemented years ago. If Solo Shuffle and Blitz had been implemented when they should have been implemented - a lot of the kinks would be ironed out by now. I’m not a fan of a lot of the people currently in charge - but by comparison to the worst PvP designer in the history of MMOs - they have actually improved PvP. Unfortunately, for them, a lot of people already quit… and they’ll take the blame. Let’s not even discuss the questionable behavior during events… which Holinka was aware of.

He’s an all around terrible person… and the killer of Warcraft PvP.

I think it’s a little premature to put “PvP being bad” at the feet of 1 man when there are probably 100s working on it.

The only “kinks” in shuffle and blitz is the new PvP designer being unwilling to fix mmr which is not a huge endeavor at all.

It’s easy to say that when you’re not there. People can take the moral high road all day long when they got nothing on the line.

But 95% of people when it comes time to actually lose something In order to stand by their principles they cave instantaneously.

If you spoke up in all likely hood you would be ostracized from the conversation there and likely fired before they cover up whatever it was. So you stood for nothing. Happens every time when 1 person tries to call out an entire company culture especially one the people at the top with the power condoned. The people who actually did the act got jail time and rightly so.

But bystanders had money to make just like everyone else and were not trying to catch that heat which I can understand.

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Interview with pvp dev. Team of 3 work on pvp. This was shadowlands and this dude quit. Team of 2 work on wow pvp lmaoooooo

With the way Blizz handles Pvp contents, I wouldn’t be surprised if all human developers are already replaced by Copilot (or that Grok3 etc) following the trend with the full support of the Board.

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mages honestly make me sick at the moment its just completely broken

no wonder its the worst its ever been lol

‘‘hundreds working on it.’’

L O L.

Dude must be related to Holinka. One man ran PvP into the ground.


Who is the guy currently in charge of it?

If it was all the fault of brian holinka then why is it still bad and arguably worse then it was when he was in charge of it now that he’s years gone?

He must be the new guy “running it into the ground”.

I think the narrative that brian holinka did “irreparable damage” to to the PvP scene is a joke. The people who quit the game over 1 bad season were never the people who were actually going to be around long term anyway those kind of people were just waiting to leave.

I agree solo Que arena and bgs should’ve been a thing ages ago just cause of the simple fact this games community is insufferable even according to everyone who is new to it like tyler1. I remember he said “it’s just a bunch of 40 year olds trying to act like their 17 again saying words they don’t even know the meaning of to be cool”. lmaooo I couldn’t help but agree. I love that guy no filter.

But just cause he postponed it doesn’t mean he “killed” PvP maybe he was just trying to make sure it was really the right thing to do as once they did implement it it completely warped Pvps direction entirely.

I think at least back then we actually had a forward facing dedicated PvP specific dev as controversial as he may have been for some reason. We don’t even have that today I don’t think and that is unfortunate.

This isn’t really a PVP player problem, it’s a human nature problem.

In general, people are too negative. They only see what is bad, and completely ignore what is good. How can such a person be happy? Getting back to PVP, specifically… are there problems? Yeah - but as you pointed out:

The devs have been giving us everything we asked for. People always say, “The devs ignore us poor PVP players,” but this list certainly begs to differ. They have definitely been trying to placate the 1% of PVP players, even when they don’t really have to. We could all quit and it wouldn’t even matter.

Funnily enough, people should also be mindful of the fact that encouragement, appreciation, and gratitude are more likely to result in the devs giving an F about PVP. We don’t do that enough. We tend to “Bite the hand that feeds us” - and then we wonder why they don’t want anything to do with us. It’s not rocket science. We tend to treat the devs like dirt.

I’m not saying that the devs are perfect; rather, what I’m saying is that they’re human. Everybody likes to feel appreciated, and that’s much more likely to get them inclined to want to help the PVP players than calling them trash-cans in nearly every thread.

This “Dilemma” isn’t that hard to solve: majority rules.

You can’t make everyone happy, but you can make most people happy - and in an MMO, that’s what matters.

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I think we are just getting older and bitter. I remember times when I was happy to just be in a BG, whether I was GY farmed or winning. Nowadays I’m on the verge of quitting if the first team fight is not going well.

That, and also the game is so old that even the most casual PvP is very competitive. It’s no longer an enjoyable experience. I legit started to get tired playing PvP in recent years.

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Lol @ he postponed it.

Dude, I am done talking to you. You obviously have no idea who Brian Holinka is… or his past. IF that man was still in charge of PvP - there would be no solo shuffle or blitz… and we’d still be rocking the BfA PvP gearing system.

Any person who defends Holinka as a dev, or as a person in general - gets ignored.

His ‘‘postponing it’’ set PvP back years… and it will never fully recover.

The majority usually isn’t that smart. You’d be shocked at the # of spineless people who will just parrot whatever they think will get them the most praise in the moment.

They have not had that pov for many years by the looks of it.

There is something in retail for just about every kind of player now.

The lawyer dude in charge hates pvp so maybe hes behind it all