Everyone wants all the bugs fixed all at the same time

Because it’s off topic in those threads and I don’t feel like getting reported for spam by the OP that is already upset.

I’m not judging any majority, I’m only calling out the people who are doing this. I explained that fairly clearly I think.

idk. its off topic to post ‘ a little patience goes a long way ‘ in a rant thread? i get your sentiment tho

Everyone wants all the bugs fixed, yes. But not all at once. Why can I say this? Because there are still several bugs around that existed and was heavily reported on since TWW was in beta.

And yet the number of bugs continues going up, rather than down. It’s like Todd Howard is running WoW now.


It’s as if no one read the bug reports in beta and just ignored the players doing testing…

oh wait, that totally happened.

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Without knowing what went on in the inner workings of the company you can’t really say what happened for sure, but if you want to paint them as incompetent or uncaring to make you feel better go off oomfy.

No I’d like the bugs from the last update fixed before they push out thw next update.

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I don’t have to imagine. I’m banned from 16 different McDonald’s in 3 states


I was in beta, I am calling them incompetent with this expansion. If I knew you personally I could break / bend my NDA and explain why I am calling them out for being incompetent, but I will instead say this… bugs from beta are still in game, & Blizz had 0 communication with tester this expansion. If you were in beta with us, you would of known these things.

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You are doing great work since that machine has not worked since 1965… or so. :wink:

What are you yapping on about? You’re not under an NDA for TWW Beta.

You are right, not for TWW, but for other things and places I am. Thanks for reachin out, have a nice day.

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No, you are not.

If the game had not been released in a Beta stage, people would be a lot more understanding about the time bugs took to fix.

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Be upset with the top brass then not the people at the bottom.
The executives don’t read the forums or care about them, they’ll never see the complaining.

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Who is to blame is irrelevant.
The xpac was released broken, and the event was full of bugs.
People have a reason to be upset.
That is all.


Upset yes, belligerent no.

So you’ve gone from making excuses, to tone policing?

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Thanks for letting me know this exchange is finished.

Bro can you not give Moonguard a bad rap k thx.

People are pretty mad because the sheer number of bugs affecting every aspect of the game at this point is really concerning and at times gamebreaking/balance breaking.



'tis fine I guess.
I didn’t think much of it anyways.
Your way of thinking a bit of a head-scratcher though…

No offense…
But that boat sailed a long time ago.