Everyone should be able to be rank 14 while playing a healthy amount

One way to do this is with rested pvp exp. Many people can not play for 3 hours per day 5 days a week. What should happen is adding rested exp. Rested exp that really has an effect not just some 100% bonus.

The idea is this. You can still hardcore pvp if you want. No one is taking that away. If you have not PVPed in a week then you should have rested pvp exp that added 10,000% per kill.

So if a hardcore pvp person would get 50 honor for a kill, while you are rested you would get 50k honor. This would let more casual people keep up with the hardcore people and everyone can obtain rank 14

Nobody should ever get Rank 14 playing only 15 hours a week.


Not in SoM they won’t

Considering going to a dead server to rank myself, but am worried they won’t allow transfers

Do the changes to ranking allow ranking on a dead server?

Maybe if you cry enough, they’ll make it easier.


It’s Rank 14. It’s gear that is comparable to AQ40 and some Naxx. No one is being forced to do the grind.

Just because your life style doesn’t suit getting the prestigious gear/weapons, doesn’t mean it has to be dumbed down so you can.


Haha u said prestigious weapons and armor haha. There is nothing prestigious about the gear just that u joined a premade hid behind the melee and healers and soaked up honor.

That’s what hunters do. Oh and u probably thought u were slick and tried to farm the gy at the farm when horde teams held out and ran as soon as horde came toward u.


If you reward people for not pvping then people won’t pvp and pvp queues will never pop. Why would I pvp for 50 hours a week when I could pvp for 5 for the same honor?

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I say this as a casual that will never hit rank 14, go to retail OP.


No thanks. Rank 14 isn’t something everyone should have.

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Why not if it takes them more weeks of playing 15 hrs and adds up to a significant amount of time?

It seems that it’s something that lowers the bar. That always diminishes prestige. It’s directly against the design intent.


r14 is not a participation trophy for little johnny.


Heartseeker LOL aka dodgeseeker

If the total time accumulated adds up to roughly the same overall played time then it doesn’t diminish anything.

You all just suck at basic math.

You didn’t actually show any math. Not sure why you’re picking a fight on a public forum.

Anyway, there are a couple of things to consider I suppose. On the one hand, even if we consider the same amount of time, if you allow it over an infinite length of time, then we could definitely say it’s easier.

An example, for context, a hot dog eating contest - should everybody be given a gold medal if they eat a given number of hotdogs (say 100) over any given length of time?

Secondly, what amount of time is the right amount? How do you decide how much time would be enough to be worth Rank 14?

Either way though, it does lower the bar, and thus diminishes the prestige, i.e. compromises the intended design.

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Yes everyone who doesn’t participate in a hot dog eating contest should be given a medal because the contest is stupid and obscene.

Same as the ranking system in classic.

Good analogy Axxi

So to further that analogy. If you are normal and eat normally you should be able to eat all the hot dogs you want spaced out overtime, when you feel like eating them. And you should be rewarded with good health (R14 gear).

Check mate.

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You’ll really have to up your game if you’d like to use these sorts of terms correctly.

I’m not sure why you’re attempting to “win” a conversation, but you’re also not very accurate with your continuation of the analogy…

You seem to suggest that the ranking system is stupid and obscene, yet for some reason you’re trying to make an argument for why you should have Rank 14 without putting in the effort.

The issue here is that just like anyone can eat hotdogs within a “normal” (however you’d like to define this) diet, anyone can enter BGs within a “normal” (again however you’d like to define this) lifestyle. In neither case do you, nor should you win the highest award for doing so, unless of course your aim is to diminish the prestige of such an award, i.e. normalize it.

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Eating 50 hot dogs is eating 50 hot dogs. Doesn’t matter if you do it in 1 sitting or not.

To abuse your own analogy.

Only dumb people cram 50 hot dogs into their face in 1 sitting.

Getting owned by your own analogy, priceless.

I mean, you’re not actually making any points. :woman_shrugging:

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