Because people didn’t want to actually look at what the Bastion storyline was actually trying to say and instead just wanted to be upset at what they thought the storyline was because it was…too “hard” to experience or something?
There aren’t two sides:
a.) Devos is right and the Path is bad
b.) The Archon is right and the Path is good.
There’s a ton of wiggle room in between there and its clear that’s where most of the actual characters stand, including several of the Paragons as you quest through Bastion.
I had thought it was obvious both storylines were about fanatics on each side of that opinion while everyone else was in the middle essentially going, “I see where it can be good but it can be fixed” while the Archon was demanding total subservience while Devos was just lying to everybody to corrupt them to the Jailer. (At least by the time we get there)
Its so weird to me that we get an actual somewhat interesting analysis at morality and fate in Warcraft, which historically has been absolutely awful at trying to tell any kind of impactful story in a MMORPG format, and the result are just people complaining about it and/or not actually paying attention to what the story was saying.
Devos clearly had her own issues even before turning against the Archon and it shows in how she was essentially trying to demand Uther give up all of his memories asap, we don’t see any of the other Hands or even Paragons themselves act like her except maybe Thenios who we got a single sentence out of in all of 9.0.
And what was Devos the Paragon of? Loyalty. Shocker that she ends up lying to everyone so that they believe they should stick to the path she decided was right, huh? Almost like she was saying and doing anything to make the Forsworn loyal to her.
So again we have a zealot of Loyalty who feels she’s right vs the zealot leader of the Kyrians who DEMANDS that she is right.
THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT. Or at least it seemed obvious to me that it was. That Devos and Kyrestia were the same person on opposite sides of a topic. Both had valid points but both were way too zealous and insisted they were right.
And while Blizzard hasn’t done a good job explaining this in the game, the reason there’s so many displaced aspirants and ascendants ready to be corrupted by Devos was because of the drought in the first place, Bastion normally had roles and jobs for everyone. And if they lost their way? They’re sent directly to the Temple of Loyalty, headed up by who? Devos.
So it’s not like the fact that there are so many Forsworn or questioning characters proves anything one way or another about the ways of the Kyrian, the fact that there ARE so many questioning characters was completely intentional by outside forces.