Everyone just watched?

could it possibly be what garona said, “baine’s mistake was not in defying sylvannas, it was doing it too soon”

Wait… Responsible for Kezan’s destruction… how? I mean, not to say your analysis of him isn’t overall wrong, but I don’t remember a moment where Gallywix was ever responsible for the destruction of Kezan. That was all the Cataclysm/Deathwing/that footbomb ball that got kicked into the volcano.

And I think its important to remember that there was an alternate timeline where Gallywix not only kept a powerful artifact out of Garrosh’s hands, he fought Garrosh personally to keep it out of his hands. Gallywix is a shrewd, self-centered, oligarchical egomaniac of a goblin, but even he has some limits. And you’re right, it mostly means mistakes that harm himself in some way, or harm his underlings (think Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist, he considers friends to be possessions, and a good way to tick him off is killing his “possessions”). Even then, things are quickly going way beyond the scope he probably envisioned when he brought the existence of Azerite to Sylvanas’ attention.

I’d liken it to Varrick from the Avatar series. (Slight Spoilers for Legend of Korra) A sleazy but charismatic and likable profiteer (more likable than Gallywix for the most part, in fact), and then he invents something akin to a nuke, and then he realizes “Okay, this seems a bit too dangerous.” And then he really rails against the big bad when they get too snippy with his sudden conscience growth. Which is an easily plausible way for Sylvanas’ relationship with Gallywix to deteriorate. (Slight Spoilers Over)

"sTrEnGtH aNd HoNoR"

If Gallywix sold tickets to that, I’d buy one. :smiley:

So, the plot of Iron man 1, just with more “DO THE THING!”.


While searching for deeper veins of Kajemite Wix stumbled upon a small vein of Azerite and starting mining it. That bobble on the end of his cane is the result of that deep drilling him and his goons, which he actually reveals to Sylvanas likely contributed to the volcanic instability under Kezan; contributing directly to how severe the volcanic eruption caused by Death-wing actually was.

So, yes, he did play a part in the destruction of Kezan; due to his own mining operations amplifying Deathwing’s ignition of the destruction of the island. That’s not even getting into the events afterwards. Also, AU timelines don’t count towards the actions of MU timeline characters. Gallywix is a monster; deeply inefficient due to his needs to skim from the top so heavily; doesn’t give a crap about his own workers (actually having them pay into a workers comp that doesn’t do anything); and he doesn’t regret his part in starting this war in the slightest (due to getting an awesome mech out of it).

Bluntly, Wix (while entertaining), needs to go. As a Goblin main I’d much rather have someone competent (and actually tempers their own greed just enough to give a crap about their race AND do a good job for a cost) like Gazlowe or Mida be our leader; then the living parody of a robber baron that has rendered our entire race into nothing more than Greed Filled lemmings.

Well, only if Gallywix gets kidnapped by terrorists in Tanaris and breaks out with a golem suit, and then Sylvanas gets her own mechanics onto replicating it, complete with tie-flipping pointing. “GALLYWIX WAS ABLE TO BUILD THIS IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!”

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The active part of the volcanic eruption still being Deathwing and the wide scale disaster storm that was the Cataclysm. Gallywix would only be civilly prosecuted in a modern day court of law, not criminally. He’d plausibly lose money. He wouldn’t go to jail.

Note that he says he doesn’t regret his part in helping to start the war immediately after voicing possible regrets, playing off the possible regrets he just voiced as simple joking. At this point, its down to character interpretation, but its not implausible for him to be growing a (severely malnourished) conscience. It would be consistent with his attitude and reluctance to have his best engineers switch exclusively to weapons after telling them they wouldn’t do that, even if only because he knew they’d react poorly to that order from Sylvanas.

I mean, all things considered, it’s Sylvanas that’s more problematic in the equation than Gallywix, in that she’s enabling and pushing him further than he’d go on his own. As I previously cited, Gallywix is capable of being more than the capitalistic caricature he’s predominantly portrayed as. Remember, always… He. Headbutted. Garrosh. -under breath- In an alternate timeline.

So what? He didn’t do it IN THIS timeline did he? People like Gallywix because he’s funny, but he’s sort of rendered the entire Goblin race nothing more than comic-relief (ones that repeatedly kill themselves doing his work for him).

He gives some levity on the Horde side in what is a pretty dour situation for our faction sure, but it sucks to be defined by a guy who clearly does not give a crap about the Goblin race (even slightly). He’s had no growth as a character in over 8 years (outside of his weight), Greed and Intelligence are the keys to any good Goblin character, but repeatedly its portrayed that Wix is FAR to much into the prior; and doesn’t have enough of the latter.

Its gotten old … especially since he’s constantly been an excuse for Blizz to just not develop any other Goblin characters (and many of the ones they DO develop aren’t even officially part of the Horde).

This kinda overlooks the fact that it was the same character, and just cause the actions never played out doesn’t mean they never happened from a narrative perspective. As in, we have a story where it does happen, but by the end of the story it turns out to only be an alternate timeline that won’t happen now.

In Back to the Future 2, Biff alters the timeline, screws everything up, even killed the protagonist’s father. Just cause the timeline is fixed afterwards and everything goes back to normal, do we just discount all that happening? Do we assume that Biff isn’t capable of being that guy anymore? Do we dismiss that entire arc when analyzing Biff as a whole character?

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Honestly that entire scenario was full of “making a point to the PoV character” red flags rather than seeming like a valid glimpse of a possible future. There’s no way to know anything about the vision - including Gallywix’s behavior in it - was remotely accurate to even a hypothetical alternate timeline; it would frankly be 100% in keeping with the pandaren cultural character to have an artifact that claims to have the power to rewrite reality, but only really has the power to show you whatever you need to see to learn why nobody should have such power.

That vision of a Gallywix heroically making a stand against Garrosh could easily have been no more than complete nonsense conjured up by the Blank Scroll as part of its “lesson” to turn the protagonists away.

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I get where you’re coming from, and yeah, its possible it wasn’t an objective unfolding of events. But the story is ambiguous about it any way you slice it.

Even if the events of the story concerning Gallywix directly are exaggerated, Druz, Gallywix’s man and agent in the story, are not part of some fabricated lotus-eater illusion. His accounts indicate there is more to Gallywix than we often see. And there are very interesting passages in the story regarding the alternate timeline, including the Burning Legion taking over the Dark Portal, and dark horrors rising from the seas. Things that would be unusual for the Pandaren narrator to know, given the fact they were isolated for a long period of time.