Everyone just watched?

The “Garrosh was my guy” part and the “he’s not going to just be some throwaway, he’s Hellscream’s kid. We’re going to make him something legendary” part.

The Stonetalon part is actually in that same interview, too:

    Cataclysm seemed like he was going in a different direction for a while there ...

    He was.

    He was? Tell us about that – why he had that shift.


    So Stonetalon …


    You did Stonetalon?

    I did Stonetalon.

    I didn’t stick to that path with Garrosh. I didn’t – not everyone was on board. Not everyone got the memo as it were, as we were designing – and that was my fault. Because when you’re doing, when you’re trying – because I was actually trying to bring Garrosh around, and Stonetalon was going to be the first of that. Cataclysm was pretty crazy time for us.

    You had so much to do.

    We did quite a lot of work. So I feel like there was a little bit of miscommunication on my part that kind of led to Garrosh going down another, darker path. So there’s an interesting tidbit for you.

    It was interesting though, in the aspect of seeing that glimmer of what he could have been.

    Well he was good at the other way. He did well at that. He was a good killer and plunderer and murderer.

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