Everyone is getting suspended and silenced for everything

still no responce to my appeal ticket almost @6 days now and i think im starting to loose hope

They’re being slammed big time, it’ll happen eventually.

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i hope so its getting rough lol

Cant expect much from a free game.

Most likely yeah, but some people legit would report just out of a spite in a situation like that. Have a good feeling that was the case unfort

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automated ‘behavior’ warning for advertising a Arcanite Ripper carry run in trade chat? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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It’s working as advertised. Blizz only wants silent botters playing. They pay the most USD per user.

be careful my friend the bans theyre giving out seem to be automated right now. Id lay super low. You dont want to end up like me still almost 6 days later waiting on a ticket. Literally Begging GMs to help

i caught a 9 day ban…not going to resub, blizzard is an lgbtq woke safe space…and anything that offends somebody, even if it’s not at all toxic or controversial, can/will get you banned/muted.


Yeah I’m tempted to open a ticket in advance – Surely they would investigate the false reporters right?

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damn I knew it brother. and honestly not even like trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist but it kind of makes sense that the PvE tryhards want all the PvPrs banned so they don’t have competition gearing out those DKs. Cause let me tell you lol it was a blast CLAPPING any and all targets with both of my full brutal Chars.

What’s too true in WoW is that some people truly see people having a blast and enjoying the game and they actually want to ruin that. They’re sad shameful people and they sadly play this game. Not too infer too much more but honestly something tells me they’ve worked their way into Blizz upper management too because honestly this is just ridiculous lol

i think they just have too many tickets open in their system rn. but lets be honest the writing is on the wall that a big announcement is coming soon about all of this the forums are On FIRE with all of the PvPrs and just noraml people banned for no reason (automated)

Judging by this post you probably deserved it

whats it like being professionally outraged all the time? it seems exhausting honestly.

The real problem it seems is the GM Jyadairia. Really corrupt, honestly just like not the kindof person you want working at your company THEY need to go.

Oh you poor sweet innocent summer child…if only the problems were as shallow as one single GM. I’m affraid it’s much MUCH deeper than that.

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btw dont look now but despite being top in views and likes posts with similair titles to this on are being manually removed from the New and Top sections. Like lol

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This is Bobby’s world. We just live in it.

Hahaha boy that poor poor fella, There’s a storm coming soon. A fire storm

You’re the one crying and being outraged by the “lgbtq woke safe spaces”, you tell me?