Everyone in R14

It’s nice that you can take Blizzard at their word. I don’t. I’ve also done a lot of online marketing as a job and so I know selling things when I see it.

To be fair I don’t think this is that but I still don’t think those reasons are why they made the change. I think that’s their fluff reasons for why they made the change.

I do not, by a long shot, think that this is the worst thing they’ve done, people like it so in that way it’s one of the better ones, but that doesn’t mean I trust what they say or think that they actually care about making this game better for the people who it should be for.

If you want to trust that Blizzard did this because they actually thought they were fixing a problem then props to you, that’s fine, it must be nice to trust this company.

EDIT: Ok I went back and read it all and it got the same impression as the first time. Blizzard wants to take the community out of the game and cater to those who care only about me, myself, and I.

There is zero focus on helping make a better PVP community in that post, like ZERO. This is actually EXACTLY my point in everything I’ve been saying. That’s why I didn’t like it the first time I read it and that’s why I replied to that post in the way I did. This is absolutely, 1000%, Blizzard hating the PVP community, being exclusively negative about it, and wanting to see it gone so that the people with the social skill of a rock and all eyes on themself can get what they want. Or maybe that’s not what it actually meant but that’s what whoever is posting it is saying and they clearly want to impress those who care about themselves > all others which means that’s their target audience and their focus for any (future too) changes. You say that this is not Blizzard hating the PVP community. However, they CLEARLY do. Specifically, the changes focus on a SOLO grind and community doesn’t matter, ONLY the individual. To me, this kind of stuff DESTROYS the game, and seeing Blizzard cater to the types who want to destroy the game in that way is disgusting. If that post proves anything it’s that what I’ve been saying is completely accurate and with these statements, I’m denying absolutely nothing. I’ve actually been much more positive in the posts on here than any reaction I can legitimately have to Blizzard wanting to rip the soul out of what makes the game special because I can still see some good things remain.

In short, that Blizzard post makes me angrier because it makes me realize how these devs have no clue what makes the game good, and that’s why they destroyed Wrath too.*End Edit

What’s frustrating to me is that we had a great conversation yesterday and I thought we came to a common ground. I told you there that the “mafia” thing was a pet peeve and you quoted it in a response so I know you saw it.

Seeing somebody (Despitebeing) say anything about having a positive community was nice, and people were going at him with their close-minded mafia garbage, so I replied and the reply from Despitebeing was fine too but for some reason, you decided to reply and just poke about my pet peeve. Why? Plus you glossed over a lot of what I’ve said.

The change makes it easier for everyone but it’s still won’t be as easy as you’re making it seem.

And just because it’s guaranteed anyone can do it doesn’t guarantee everyone will.

Will someone who plays several hours a day everyday possibly stop chasing raid gear in favor of chasing a now easier, but still time consuming, rank 14? Probably.

Will someone who only plays several hours a week do the same? Probably not.

So you think the changes will have little to no affect, and/or few people will actually take advantage of it?

I think the people who can take advantage of it will and those who can’t won’t.

As far as changes and impacts to community behavior, no, I don’t think it will have that big of an affect on things.

If the Era servers didn’t have every phase of content available and on farm for 2 + years this would be a different conversation.

As it stands now I could hit level 60 tomorrow and have a pretty high chance of having better gear in a month from raiding then I would from a month of ranking.

If you have gold and/or connections. If you don’t have either of those, what is your option?

Not for everyone. Some server / faction combos only needed 140k honor each week for the R1 spot. That’s going up to 500/750k or whatever it is, next week.


Okay this is fairly hyperbolic but still funny.
I laffed.


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It’s hilarious when you go on about how it’s all the OTHER people who are so closed minded that they just don’t get it

Please go back to that blue post and tell me where in their changes they care about anything but the solo player.

Right, you can’t find that there, so you won’t.

Other players ARE close-minded by accepting only bad but not any good.

If I was basing my opinions on this blue post alone I wouldn’t be mostly supporting the change but because the other players like it I’ve said it’s overall good. That’s called being open-minded, even if you only want to reply with snark.

Have you ever noticed how some people’s self-image bears no relation to reality?

That’s why there’s no point in trying to have a conversation. :person_shrugging:

People can express frustration while acknowledging that of others even while disagreeing. Your pov is your own as is mine. I don’t believe anyone is attempting to invalidate your view.

I still feel this isn’t a win for everyone so grats I guess Blizz.
And while I’m at it screw these satyrs for not carrying enough felcloth.

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The point is, Moo is a nice guy who invalidates his own views.

The nice thing about me is that I’m not passive-aggressive.

I’m aggressive-aggressive.


There’s a difference between “conversation” and “screed”.

Gnomes so savage.
Y’all should be Horde.

Y’all can’t handle the cuteness.

If given a choice between belfs and gnomes I’d choose the savages everytime.

Also - I’m done with this topic.
People have strong feelings and my attempts to find some common ground I feel are falling flat.
Best of luck. Stay civil* everyone.

*lol my phone is creeping me out kept auto correcting civil to silly

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I read that blue post and didn’t like what it says, and I still don’t, that’s what that rant was.

However, by the time I came here, I had 5 positives and 3 negatives about the change as my overall reaction to it. Then I made an effort to say over and over that I was happy that people liked the change.

I had a bad ranking experience on Barman. You and Glinda both know about it, but Earthfury was honestly very good on both sides, so I can’t forget that either. Talking to others they also have had good experiences but few of those people post here.

Yeah, my rants can get a bit mean to the people who like to focus on their own thing. I truly think hardcore is great for that and I’ve never once hated on that, I think it’s awesome.

Taking community out of Era is a hard one for me. If that bothers someone then there’s not a lot I can do about that. I know I rub some people the wrong way. This specific conversation won’t even be a thing really soon enough.

Cya Asma.

We’re good, Mootwo.
And I’m good with Glinda too.

This isn’t or shouldn’t be a Wrath forum-style US VS THEM thing.
Y’all take care.


So, belfs?

Son, I am disappoint.